Homosexuality, if it is a congenital condition, is, by all degrees of logic, wrong!
Helping a handicapped personn OVERCOME their handicap is pure compassion and goodness. And yet, look at the posts calling me a hate-monger.
Nope, sorry, you're still a hate-monger. Trying to help people overcome a "handicap" is one thing, but you're just twisting someone's words around to win an argument. Nothing purely compassionate or good about that.
To begin with, that contradicts the idea that it´s a sin. Second, not all non-canonical natural laws are bad. For example, is there cure for say, Squizofrenic people?, nope. Do they have to be excluded? nope. Or just something that it´s not necessarily good or bad, what about those people with six fingers?. And so on.
The only handicap that gay people have to deal with is the one that fundamentalists have.
There's a great old saying: If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Why not simply accept that there is nothing wrong with being gay and move on. Go after some real problems like global warming. Oh, sorry! I forgot that doesn't exist.
So in other words, gay people are handicapped and will need to be given new priveleges? Wouldn't that piss you fundies off more? I know, we'll designate more parking spaces for them and label them like this:
So you "compassionate" folks would have no problem with this?
If the person wants your help in this, then there is nothing wrong with it at all. I have no problem technically with "ex-gay" groups and the like. At least not a problem in theory.
The problem is that the vast majority of these kind of organizations and individuals are totally unwilling to accept the fact that someone may not want their help in "overcoming" their "handicap" because they don't consider it to be a handicap. To them, it's part of who they are and they want you to accept them for that, not condemn them because they don't want to change to fit into your narrow view of "normal."
If these groups would simply offer assistance to those who seek them out on thir own, that would be fine. But when they try to force their services on others, when they try to make people feel that they are "sick" if they don't want their services, well then, now we have a hate-monger.
The part of the post that's hateful is not the part of wanting to help someone overcome a "problem," it's the part where you arbitrarily define what is and is not a "problem," and imply that anyone who disagrees with you is sick.
Bottom line: if you force "compassion" on someone, it is no longer compassion.
Helping a handicapped personn OVERCOME their handicap is pure compassion and goodness.
If someone tried to "help" a blind person "overcome" their handicap by calling them names, pointing to biblical passages condemning them, saying that they were trying to further the "blind agenda" and accusing them of corrupting children, then they'd probably be called a hate-monger, too.
I think this guy is the one who needs help. I'd recommend this new medication called Homocil.
Also, Exgay ministries are a problem. Every respectable medical and psychological association has said that homosexuality is not a disease and does not need to be cured. These people are miguided. Their belief that something is wrong with being gay comes from an ignorance about human sexuality. They may be well-intentioned, but they are hurting people.
PFLAG has an article on the dangers of exgay ministries and reparative therapy here . They have links to major statements by psychiactric and psychological associations on the subject. One thing they neglect to mention, however, are the often bizarre and brutal methods these people often use. Things like electroshock, physical strain, showing them homoerotic pornography while forcing them to smell rotting meat to attempt to force a gag reflex, and taking away designer clothes from the young men.
Nekhbet: The nuns "fixed" my left-handedness in kindergarten by making me sit on my left hand when I wrote. I still do everything left-handed except write.
How, without medical knowledge (I'm assuming), do you help a handicapped person "overcome" their handicap? You can help them accept it and live with it. However, YOU aren't going to make the blind see and the lame walk with compassion and goodness.
The first Christian that tries to pull me out of my wheelchair while talking about compassion is getting a boot in the crotch.
You're lucky. I had a left-handed friend back in high school. In her case, the nuns fixed her left-handedness by whacking her with a ruler on her left hand whenever she tried to use it for writing.
Same as you, she does everything with her left hand except write.
After years of observation, I have concluded that the fundie homophobes are most likely closet homosexuals themselves. I can't speak for everyone but I would wager that unless you are extremely insecure about your own sexuality, you would not go out of your way to villify a common sexual preference and practice simply because it apparently offends you. It seems pointless.
If you are gay, then embrace it. If you are not, then leave them alone. Is it really too much to ask?
Yes, redheads freaking rock.
And we ARE less than four percent of the population, so we MUST be handicapped! Think about it: There are few of us, we suffer social stigmas, and it can be dangerous for us to even go outside sometimes because of the sun!
I don't see how me dating men is a problem. Now usually, fools like this say it comes with drug addiction and molesting kids. But I'm not an addict, nor do I want to do kids. Just hot, sexy studs.
Being female is a congenital condition too, but I don't see any compassion for that from fundies - just a lot of judgment and shame. Oh wait, for them it's the same thing.
As for the hate-monger label: We calls 'em like we sees 'em. If you don't like it, that's your problem.
Fair skin is also a congenital condition, which makes you more prone to develop skin cancer. I guess being white is, "by all degrees of logic", wrong too.
“Homosexuality, if it is a congenital condition, is, by all degrees of logic, wrong!”
There are ‘degrees’ of logic?
Logic is a tool for evaluating an idea. You can prove an idea to be logically incorrec. However, homosexualty exists, whether the logic works or not.
Like, is left-handedness illogical? Depends on your premise, but that doesn’t change the fact of left handedness.
“Helping a handicapped personn OVERCOME their handicap”
Terming other people’s nature a handicap is a bit hateful. What can they NOT do for being gay? Gay couples can have kids, with a bit more work, raise them, with a bit more intent. Gay couples can love each other. Commit to each other. They can worship the Biblegod, with a really flexible definition.
“is pure compassion and goodness.”
How about if i label you believing in skybeasts as a handicape and try to get you some dopamine treatments to hend that handicap. Is that compassionate? Is it good?
"And yet, look at the posts calling me a hate-monger.”
Well, yeah.
Gays do not try to recruit other gays.
Homophobes try to either recruit more homophobes or legislate their homophobia so everyone acts like they do.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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