God'sGraceInMe #fundie rr-bb.com

You know what, Obama? Yes, I do want to return to the 1950's. I want to return to the 1950's because America still had a moral compass. America still had values. America valued family. America valued life. I want to return to the 1950's because we weren't in a free for all, do what you feel like, whatever feels good mentality. I want to return to the 1950's because America still knew right from wrong. Getting pregnant out of wedlock was frowned upon, not celebrated. Every choice had a consequence. There wasn't an excuse for everything. You had to earn what you had. If you wanted something, you worked for it. Two jobs, if necessary. I want to return to the 1950's because we actually had journalists back then. People who hunted down the truth, not just puppets who deliver propaganda. But we can't go back to the 1950's and America will never look like that again. I don't recognize the country I live in anymore, and I was born in 1982... long past the 1950's. Enjoy being an arrogant king while you can, Obama. One day, you will have to bow down before the King, and account for the evil you perpetrated and supported. While I wish we could go back to the 1950's, all we can do now is press forward because we are getting closer to the glory days ahead, when Jesus returns.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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