Feldmarschall #fundie theantifeminist.com

It’s because I need a girlfriend to continue to live, I’m like that, I can not change, I need another person to love me, of course I still go to high school at least (I’ll have to put a pincer on my nose, imagine!) , I do not know how you can live without a girlfriend, I do not even can use just casual sex with a teenager, I do not care if it’s sticky, it’s funny at times to have a sticky teen girl next to you, but as I say the bad thing is that with 16 they do not have much attraction to me, even I’m struggling to being attracted to them, but what if I do not? Being alone? At least they are under age, ‘children’ according to them, therefore I am a “pedophile” that take advantage of vulnerable underage girls (in fact is that “I go with minors” just that) but not problem I am going to sleep well being one of them.



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