Of course you know the miracle of AIDS, we all do. It's the only disease that turns fruits into vegetables.
"To Stop The Defamation Of The Jewish People."
By shifting it to anyone and everyone else you can think of, apparently.
Of course you know the miracle of AIDS
Miracle, how in the fuck can even the most narrow minded of bigots consider AIDS to be a miracle? What kind of miracle kills indescriminately and without regard? Moreover, what kind of god performs a miracle that serves only to take life and cause pain and suffering?
It's the only disease that turns fruits into vegetables.
I'm sorry, but where is it that you idiot fucks get this stupid ass idea that gays are the only victims of AIDS? The number of heterosexuals infected, in the US alone, far outstrips the number of homosexuals infected. HIV did not begin in, nor has it ever been confined to, the homosexual community. HIV has spread through the heterosexual population since it first jumped species. To think or assert otherwise is nothing more than an ignorant and self deceptive fantasy.
Were HIV the "miracle" you claim it to be then one would expect it to strike only those whom your "god" wished it to, and not spread far and wide through the population or passed on to innocents through blood transfusions
"Of course you know the miracle of AIDS, we all do. It's the only disease that turns fruits into vegetables."
Of course, you know the miracle of science, we all do. It has effectively made Smallpox all but extinct. Malaria, Tetanus, Cholera, and the AIDS of it's time, Leprosy. All easily treatable today.
With gene-based cures being developed, the day can't come too soon when medical science takes away one more source of righteous indignation from you fundies.
Science. It's the only cure for the disease - fundieism - that turns the smug into the butthurt.
Like I say, the Smallpox Eradication Program from 1950-80. Science - 1, God - 0. HIV/AIDS' days are numbered.
And apparently he might run in 2012 as a Tea Bagger
OOH! PLEASE please please, I so hope he does. That will spell the absolute and immediate end of the TBs' antics forever. Everything Duke touches is instantly eviscerated.
@Shanya Almafeta
Yeah, he was a Republican Louisiana State Representative from 1990 to 1992. In 1990 he ran for U.S. Senate against Democratic incumbent J. Bennett Johnston, Jr. He lost but received 43.51% of the vote. In 1991 he ran for Governor in Louisiana--again he lost but still picked up 32% of the vote. Scary, ain't it?
@ Name:
Oh, yes he is. From the link, Duke's associations:
- National Association for the Advancement of White People (founder, 1980)
- Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (founder, 1974)
In other words, a first-rate asshole with a captial A.
What's the hardest part of cooking vegetables?
Fitting the wheelchair into the microwave.
(Yeah, I'm sick that way.)
I guess you won't be visiting the UK any time, Dukey-boy.
A little something called Section 5 of the Public Order Act will make sure of that, eh?
If a wide-ranging (and in some circumstances, arbitrary) police power that means one is arrested for using language in publc deliberately designed to outrage individual and community-wide public morals, ensures that subhuman filth like you are kept away from this country, then good.
This means you, Fred Phelps & co.
There's something to be said for not having a US-style Constitution, nor having the absolute right to say anything you want. With rights comes responsibilities after all.
If similar 'Thought Police'-esque legislation would keep David Duke's mouth shut (and the rest of his vile right-wing ilk; or at least they being forced to be PC to maintain their liberty), then I'm all for it. Again, Fred Phelps & co, I'm looking at you .
Feel that Christian Love! That might well be one of the most disgusting and inhumane things I have ever heard.
It also makes vegetables of nuts. Right now the vast majority of the people contracting AIDS are straight people. People who have not received a proper sex ed or disregards the education they've got, maybe because "only gays get AIDS".
Cheering death, showing hatred. David Duke, quite the Christian. Oh and it is attitudes like THIS that get groups or individuals labeled as hate. That and Duke's being a grand wizard makes me wonder why anyone even listens to this fuckstick
If you have not charity, you are like a sounding gong.
Go read your Bible, Sinnerman!
No. No. No, no, no, no, no, NO! I don't know how I can convey the level of 'no' that I'm feeling right now. This statement is hateful and disgusting beyond words.
David Duke, you're an asshole. You may have the right to spread vitriolic crap like that but that doesn't mean people want to hear it.
Ugh. Gay-bashers REALLY piss me off.
It's funny, cuz people are dying. Hahaha, you're a comedy genius.
Seriously, this twisted, sadistic attempt at "humor" makes me absolutely sick.
People like this are why I have a hatred for Judaism, amongst other religions: because it can get inside people's heads and mess their minds up until they turn into David Duke.
Like I said, I hate Judaism - not Jews, I have no problem with Jews (well, except this one), their culture is fascinating and I stand behind the ADL's cause - but I am disgusted with the religion, the abstract set of beliefs written in a horrid book that is intellectually and morally bankrupt.
So yeah, fuck Judaism. If you want to believe it, I support that and would defend your right to practise it openly. But that doesn't mean I like your religion.
So again, fuck Judaism, I find it offensive.
Ok, are the poor children in Africa or raped women, for that matter, fruits?. You never cease to amaze me.
Ahahaha, if it weren't for the obvious idiocy of the statement, I'd find that joke rather clever.
But it is really stupid so DIAF plzthnx.
"People like this are why I have a hatred for Judaism"
@Crazeh: why don't you go to a David Duke meeting and tell him that if he wants to be Jewish then fine, you will defend him being a Jew, but it is Jews like him that make you really dislike Judaism.
Lemme know how that works out for you. Moron! You are no better than Duke.
Having looked at his profile, I find literally nothing to like about this person and that the world would be a much better place without him and his ilk of racist, homophobic asshole spewing their hateful mouth diarrhea.
Duke, light a bonfire and stay in it until your head pops open from the pressure inside your empty, worthless skull.
And when Dave thinks of all them nigger babies in Africa that the AIDS miracle is killing,he gets a hard on that nearly rips his white robe in half.
I don't wish death on anyone, but some terrible misery in David Duke's worthless life would make me smile.
It took me a second or two to get what he was saying. Then I did. Now I want to track him down and disembowel him with a pair of garden shears.
You're the vegetable, Duke.
"That's not funny."
-- The Joker
You aren't clever, you aren't funny, and you are a sick bastard. Please, die soon and stop wasting oxygen.
vegetable is a colloquialism that infers the person is brain-dead but alive. AIDS is fatal autoimmune disease that has nothing to do with your brain functions (though you may contract a disease that gives you brain damage. Correlation != Causation), dumbass. Not only are you a raging prick, you're also closer to a vegetable than any AIDS carrier.
Of course you know the miracle of left -wing thinking. It reduces 'Brexit' to a persistent vegetative state: waiting for an increasing number of family members to pull the plug.
Here's a vegetable...:
As seen on HBO's recent Vice episode. It's the Chinese character for "real or genuine."
Well... actually, while it's used in compound words to mean something like that, when it is written by itself, like in his tattoo, it means "fruit"
...that's also a fruit .
Liberalism is the chemo that is now proven to destroy the Salt-right.
What's happened since Charlottesville: the Trumptards imploding. Since then, Mueller, re. Donald 'Smocking Gun ' Fart. And now Theresa May Not doing the U-Turn that is guaranteed to destroy not just her. It's just a matter of time.
We're patient.
You mean like calling Tomatoes vegetables?
I know what this dolt means. Wait? David Duke? KKK David Duke?
HIV is now a treatable disease, asshole. It only turns poor people in developing nations into "vegetables". People in western countries can live long and productive lives, with HIV.
No, perhaps not in the US, but with the Orange Clown now in the helm, the US is moving further and further towards being a developing nation.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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