lel817 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Responding to another member, who wrote: "We've gone from separating Indian babies from their parents (and then exterminating them), to stealing babies from their slave parents (and then re-selling them into slavery), to building a country on child labor (working in factories as young as 8-yrs. old, there's photos!), to incarcerating Japanese-American toddlers in internment camps, to allowing priests to sexually abuse children for decades, to forcing buckets of high-fructose corn syrup down kids’ throats until half of them are part of a childhood obesity epidemic, to turning our schools into killing fields because we love our guns more than we love our kids -- who the hell are we kidding?
Stop being shocked and surprised that Trump is kidnapping Hispanic children from their parents as if 'this isn't who we are!' Yes, it is. It has ALWAYS been who we are. Don't say Trump is violating 'our American values.' Abusing children IS an historic American value. Be proud, America -- Trump is us."

You're rant makes no sense. Go fuck yourself, Robert. All you liberals do is bitch about how terrible and evil this country is, with never anything positive to say. I literally NEVER hear a liberal give credit to this country for anything. Then they are surprised when we call them out for their anti-Americanism. Perhaps you can move to one of those third world countries that treat children so well that they are forced to flee. Ironic how liberals on the one hand verbally beat down this country at every turn, while insisting we open our borders and subject foreigners to this oh so racist evil country. If its so terrible why are people clamoring to get in instead of out?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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