Well, like I posted earlier, reality and the Bible are two different things. In reality, if I was a Jew in that time [during the holocaust], I WOULD (emphasis) have lied to save my family, but biblically, it doesn't change the fact thats it's still wrong. The right thing to do, it to always tell the truth. Would I always? Absolutely not! Is lying always wrong? Absolutely! It was not only illegal by man's laws (Germany in this instance) , it's going against the very word of God.
This was in response to a hypothetical question:
"wouldn't you agree that sometimes it is right to break the law if you are faced with a moral situation? Like if you were hiding Jews in your house during the Holocaust, and a Nazi soldier demanded whether you were or not, wouldn't the right thing to do is lie about it and claim that you weren't (even though it was illegal by Nazi Germany)?"
James is confused about which is man's law and which is god's. Hiding a jew in nazi germany and lying to an officer about it was wrong not by man's law but by god's? Apparently lying is just plain wrong in spite of the fact that condemning a human to death is wrong as well ... or maybe killing the jew isn't wrong but lying is? I'm not sure where James is going with this. What word of god is a person going against when they do what is morally right?
Trying to have it both ways, eh, m2005? You're against situational ethics, but you admit that you would use situational ethics. Don't fret, booboo, everybody uses situational ethics, the world is not black and white.
The Nazis didn't kill Christians. A Jew can claim to be a Christian without renouncing his God. Yes, he's lying. Yes, it's a sin. No, it's not blasphemy.
In this particular hypothetical situation, the person must lie to save his own life. Wittingly, he admits that he would in fact lie to save his own life. But this flies in the face of his own Bible, which states that lying is a sin which will land you in hell.
So this person is willing to go to hell in order to avoid dying?
Hypocrisy in the highest.
I really don't understand how lying is a sin. Sure, one should not lie, lest one undermines his/her interpersonal relationships and the trust that goes with them. If soldiers are out to get you and you want to save your life then how is it a sin to save your own life? It's because religion is so ass-backwards that people turn away from it.
I'm kinda wondering how it might go down if I joined the forum anonymously with the purpose of telling dear James Missions2005 if it's okay to lie, seeing as God did so... well, that's what it says in the Book of Genesis chapters 2 and 3, doesn't it?
Hmmmm... I wonder if these people have ever heard of how Abraham lied about being Sara's brother, rather than telling the truth that they were married, in order to save Abraham's butt, and that God told them to do so...
"Well, like I posted earlier, reality and the Bible are two different things."
See, when we say that, we're the bad guys.
missions2005, everybody in that time had to prove they didn't have a Jew in the family. That means, that all descendant of that Jew would have to have lied about, official papers and official records of synagogues and churches would have to have been forged for that to work. It also means that none of the people in power over the original documents would not only not have to be a Nazi but also a sympathizer to the Jewish people.
Only if all that would have worked out and nobody checked seriously enough (and the Nazis were some thorough fuckers) only then might it had worked out. I guess, the only thing that might have brought you was a bullet.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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