As and addendum, the concerns over gender imbalance in STEM is really part of the vicious anti-male bigotry that has infected our schools and univerisities. Drugging school boys into insensibility with Ritalin, verbally attacking men, especially white men, in college classes and discriminating against them in every conceivable way. Why any man, again especially white but really any, would want to go to college under the present abusive regimes is a mystery. A man can earn a reasonable living as a pipefitter/plumber, electrician, carpenter or construction worker, and he will not have any accumulated debt and will not have run a gauntlet of abuse to get to his job.
The bright side for the gender nazis is that if they become abusive enough the gender imbalance problem will disappear along with the male students. And the remaining men will be gamma pussies. Even better.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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