Well Im glad I scare you, because if you've experienced the things that Ive experienced, like talking face to face with "monsters" from hell, you will not be able to sleep for months. This life is NOT as normal as you think it is. Im still training, and its been over 2 years since I became a serious christian, Im still not used to it, I even sometimes wish it wasnt like this. You think your not effected by these things? Rest assured that there are horrific things that lurk in your very bedroom at night, you think the boogyman was just made up? You think sleep paralysis is what wikipedia says it is? ( a good example because it happens to everyone at least once)
This life is scary, and the only way to escape from it is Jesus, and you all are completely vulnerable, and you dont care.... Your the ones who scare me to be that sure of what you know.... Maybe Im not as brave as I think. Maybe.
Monsters? In my bedroom?
"and its been over 2 years since I became a serious christian "
Serious Christianity is serious business, apparently.
Grow up, Komodomitsu. You're supposed to have outgrown the "monster under the bed/closet" thing when you entered puberty.
If you want to see what scary and terrifying feels like, join the Army and go to war. Or if you dislike foreign travel, join the local police or firefighters.
So, you've talked to demons, "trained" as a Christian, you believe that the boogeyman exists and that sleep paralysis is actually the work of succubi or other such things? I don't have to be sure of what I know to have a slight hunch that you are either seriously disturbed or full of crap.
Here's why: they call them "fantasy novels" for a reason. And when your description of reality sounds like a bad supernatural thriller, I am suspecting that you are just deluded or trying to be creative in some bizarre fashion. I will personally be convinced once I have similar experiences, which, ironically, will not serve as proof for anyone but myself, but that is the problem with phenomenal occurrences.
Well Im glad I scare you...
Call me an internet tough guy if you like, but I find it difficult to be frightened by someone who tells me to fear the bogymen in the dark.
"This life is scary, and the only way to escape from it is Jesus"
There are other ways of escaping from this life but I'm not going to give you any ideas.
Sleep paralysis is actually really fun if you know how to induce it... all the crazy hallucinations and sensations without the need to take illegal substances! :D And if you are lucky, you might get a lucid dream out of it (more craziness.... or sex, whatever you prefer).
Escape from life for Jesus? What are you waiting for! Go drink the Kool-aid! DO IT
If the boogyman is true then I am scared shitless of the easter bunny from this point on...
Also, the Boogyman exists but dinosaurs didn't?
You have some kind of mental illness. You have found a certain degree of relief in believing that Jesus will take care of you.
That's fine, and I'm glad you found something to lean on, but stop insisting that everyone needs the same crutch you do.
As for sleep paralysis, it's a regular part of a sleep disorder I have, and it's not a big deal. Komodomitsu should go to a sleep clinic and have his brain waves mapped, maybe he's having night terrors (also not a big deal, though quite unpleasant). If he spends his time waiting for Jesus to save him he's gonna develop a form of narcolepsy and perhaps kill someone while driving. I suggest medical intervention.
There are real monsters out there selfish people without conscience, who have chosen evil at the expense of those around them.
You’re afraid of the bogeyman and sleep paralysis in a world that contains the likes of Joseph Fritzl, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Albert Fish? I’m more afraid of idiots like you, who are willfully blind, than I am of finding a monster under my bed.
You know nothing of evil if you think it announces itself in the appropriate horror-movie costume and make-up.
EDIT: I’ve actually experienced sleep paralysis a few times. The very first instance was scary as fuck, so I researched the topic and discovered what it was. Since then, I just go with the flow on those rare occasions when it happens. It helps me “snap out of it” more quickly when I stay calm and concentrate on my breathing.
Weird. I live in a 200 year-old house that's had perhaps a dozen people die in it, ideal for ghosts, and yet not one nonnaturalistic experience in my whole life.
Strange, sad, and scary how mental illness is actually promoted by religion
Well Im glad I scare you, because if you've experienced the things that Ive experienced, like talking face to face with "monsters" from hell, you will not be able to sleep for months.
So you've met the mother in-law?
@biscuitsforall: "If the boogyman is true then I am scared shitless of the easter bunny from this point on... "
You should be. You should be...
also, I have never, to the best of my recollection, experienced sleep paralysis. *shrug*
ID82 wrote:
"Lay off the mmorpgs."
You're just jealous that YOUR Protection-specced Paladin doesn't have a Libram of Repentance yet!
(Seriously, I've been after that thing since last July , and I just finally got enough badges to buy it with this morning.)
He's been watching far too much "Supernatural" and playing too many "World of Darkness" RPGs.
If all these monsters and demons are out there, how come none of us ever get to see them? Why don't most regular Christians? Why is it only these fundy Christians?
Logic says they are possessed not of demons, but of vivid imaginations.
Let's see, I can accept sleep paralysis for what the patterns, psychology, research, and common sense say it is.
Or I can become so mindlessly afraid of the world that "the only way to face it is to admit that I am completely vunerable and can only escape through Jesus."
Considering that mother fucker doesn't help when there are REAL things to be afraid of, like murderers, I think I'll go for the former.
We scare you to be so sure of what we know? That's not good. You should gain more knowledge and trust in it.
And no. You're not. Your entire post reaks of cowardice, as well as stupidity.
"This life is scary, and the only way to escape from it is Jesus"
I've always found alcohol in large quantities to be more than sufficient.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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