What can I say,
The Devil is preety good at covering stuff up. He uses even the best Scientist and astronomers to crush anything spiritual.
Of coarse this book is garbage and I suggest that everyone who likes this book to please take yourself and your scientific thinking out of the box.
In the next coming years people you are gonna see some serious evil spirtual activity and because you have polluted yourselves with closing your mind of to it, you won't know or be ready for the things that are going to occur.
I feel so sorry for these people: the real world has enough horros and atrocities; these morons go looking for more in a spirit world that only they can see and experience.
Either 99% of the world is missing out, or 1% of the world is off the edge.
Opinions, anyone?
@ apYrs:
What irritates me more is that they'll complain at people not having their minds open to spiritual matters, but when anyone comes along with a view on spirituality that doesn't match theirs, they'll beat it down even harder than "natural explanations".
Well, I haven't read it so I can't comment. However, here's a book that I highly recommend- the Oxford English Dictionary. English is a fine language, but you have to use it right.
Shithead, this fear of "serious evil spiritual activity" has been going on for centuries. What makes these times any different?
The worst thing that could happen to any religion, has happened to "Christianity": the proleptic myth. They couldn't be content with lying about the past, they need to lie about the future as well.
Fucking priesthood. They're all lying beggars.
The Devil is preety good at covering stuff up.
And yet, somehow, you can see right through his clever deceptions. How do you account for that?
This is one of the most elightening books I've ever read. Sagan aptly recognize that more people know of astrology than astronomy, and how - at a time where knowledge can so freely transfer - so many people are outright ignorant of the world around them.
This post saddens me in a way.
Suggestion seconded (or thirded?): great read, that book. Sagan truly shows how to think clearly and critically. I wonder why Fundies don't like it...
It's worth owning, be it only for his 'Baloney Detection Kit', or how to spot disingenuous arguments.
@Osiris: Actually, it only looks like everyone who read it gave it one star because the provided link takes you to a page that only displays the one-star reviews (14 of them). Closer examination shows that there are 387 reviews for the book, of which number 279 give it five stars; 48 give it 4. 28 give it three, and there are 18 2-star reviews.
Personally, I haven't read it...yet. It sounds like it would be pretty good.
"What can I say,
The Devil is preety good at covering stuff up. He uses even the best Scientist and astronomers to crush anything spiritual."
That's one piss poor god you've got if he can't overcome something like that.
"Of coarse this book is garbage and I suggest that everyone who likes this book to please take yourself and your scientific thinking out of the box."
You mean toss aside all reason and rationality in favor of tall tales and mythology? No thanks.
"In the next coming years people you are gonna see some serious evil spirtual activity and because you have polluted yourselves with closing your mind of to it, you won't know or be ready for the things that are going to occur."
Show evidence that "spiritual activity," evil or otherwise, exists. Oh, sorry, that's my "scientific thinking" kicking in again.
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