The problem with the 'It Gets Better' campaign is that it, again, is special rights -- singling out a particular group that is no more harmed than any other groups, and really singling them out for special attention and special rights, special things that should also be shared with lots of other people that are being bullied. It really is, again, another example of money and resources being given to a special class, a group of people, and discriminating against many others who are being bullied.
> The problem with the 'It Gets Better' campaign is that it, again, is special rights
So instead of thinking "gee golly, it's great that someone's fighting bullying, depression and suicide, even if it isn't targeted at me or any people I know", you're saying "this is horrible, we must not fight bullying, depression and suicide at all, because this particular campaign doesn't apply to everyone, and only targets people I disagree with".
Got it.
Its people who have been through hard times telling younger people what they wished some one would have told them when they were young.
The only right being conferred here is freedom from the self-loathing that your lot would unjustly thrust upon them. And there isn't even anything "special about that. Everyone deserves to be free from your propaganda.
So, the bigot from Chick Fil A was exercising free speech rights by funding and supporting discrimination against LGBTQIA people, but telling folks "it gets better" is special rights and not free speech?
Fuck off and come back after you've read a book other than the Bible and actually read your Constitution. Fucking idiot.
Interesting. Speaking as a straight person who got bullied fairly severely in high school (it gave me an ulcer at one point), I can totally justify the "it gets better" campaign even if I might not have been the target audience had it come out when I was a teenager.
Since my own bullying was at least partially on religious/ideological grounds, it does explain why I am so vocally anti-theist today.
What these people don't understand is that once the LGBT community gets equal rights, it WILL apply to everyone. Larry Jacobs will have just as much of a right to marry a man as Clay Aiken will have. It's NOT special rights, it's equal rights, applied to everyone who chooses to use those rights.
"Them libs is offerin' gays special treatment by trying to give them the same rights that I already enjoy."
So, why is it that wingnuts are only able to see reverse discrimination, anyway? And why do they think that it's any kind of major problem compared to, say, everyday ordinary fucking discrimination?
No more harmed than any other groups? Yeah, right!
So, if you can't help EVERYONE right now, you shouldn't help anyone at all? What's wrong with starting with a group of people who are vilified, hated, beaten up, raped and murdered for something they are born with, and if that works well, go on to help another group in a similar way?
To finally be able to enjoy the same rights that you or I take for granted is NOT "special attention and special rights", asshole! It's equal rights!
Yeah, someone should really make an ad campaign for high school bullies and assholes titled "Enjoy it, pricks, this is as good as it's ever gonna be for you."
You're full of shit. Also, this isn't some government-sponsored program, so you don't really have a say on the matter anyway. This is individuals wanting to support LGBT children and teens who have been bullied.
None of your money being spent Larry; you can stop whining now.
Let me guess, you were never bullied for something you had absolutely no control over. How high does the body count have to get before you realize you are part of the problem?
Yknow what?
I hate you. :)
I didn't think "It Gets Better" was singling out any group in particular, except those who are oppressed. It just happens that homophobia is a big source of oppression in US culture right now.
Completely Missing The Point award?
Just because a certain type of discrimination can only happen to a certain group of people doesn't make that discrimination any more correct. To argue otherwise is similar to saying "We must feed everyone, not just the hungry, or the system is unfair."
Seeing as the bulk of the abuse that affects gays is coming from the Christian Reich and their misbegotten whelps, you have a lot of balls making an accusation like that.
Nobody is asking for special rights. They're asking for the same rights as any other student to be left the fuck alone by the rejects and retards you asshole raise as bullies.
Bullying does not harm people? Bullying does not drive people to suicice?
The singling out of people for bullying must be seen in the context of the 'It gets Better' response to young gay people. And the statistics are easily available to show that not a few crack under the psychological strain, which makes living intolerable and impossible for them. So they end it all.
It is pure distilled evil to even hint that the 'It Gets Better' campaign is a problem, when the problem is really iherent in the thinking of Larry Jacobs and those whos think like him. The atavistic 'kill the odd ones out' comes into play so easily. Bullying is a semi-permitted version of this. But it is a lethal as stoning, shooting, burning. In fact it is a psychological form of torturing to death. And Larry, death lurks in your mind as you were writing your posting.
Bullying of anybody, for any reason, is wrong. It is not just gays that are singled out, although they are usually the easiest victims to zero in on.
Larry, just how Christian do you think bullying is? It is conscious vitimisation for self-gratification, and best done in groups who share the same ethos of persecution of 'the different'. I put those who do it on par with those who pull the wings off flies - sick in the head and not part of civilised society.
I get the feeling that Larry must also object to cervical and breast cancer prevention campaigns, since they single out women. He probably also thinks that there should be no gynecologists, as it is unjust that women have specialized doctors only for them...
"singling out a particular group that is no more harmed than any other groups, and really singling them out for special attention and special rights, special things that should also be shared with lots of other people that are being bullied."
Studies show that homosexuals are one of the most disenfranchised groups in this country as well as one of the most victimized or did you forget about the rash of gay teen suicides a year or two ago that were precipitated by asshats like yourself?
This is has nothing to do with "special rights"; it's about treating a segment of the population as fellow human beings but apparently, you don't want to do that. Bastard.
singling out a particular group that is no more harmed than any other groups
When's the last time a bunch of gays beat the crap out of you just because you're straight or denied you the right to marry whoever you want?
singling them out for special attention and special rights
Having the right to live without being persecuted and being allowed to marry how you want are not "special rights."
and discriminating against many others who are being bullied.
Let me guess, you're talking about poor, persecuted Christians here, aren't you?
"The problem with the 'It Gets Better' campaign is that it, again, is special rights"
no it isn't.
"singling out a particular group that is no more harmed than any other groups"
no more harmed, okay, maybe, but more targeted, and more vulnerable, definitely.
"It really is, again, another example of money and resources being given to a special class"
what's that got to do with you? who's twisting your arm to donate.
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