I don't buy into secular science much.....I bet you wouldn't be surprised to know I lean to a geocentric model over a heliocentric model.
"I don't buy into secular science much"
Except whenever you fall sick, I bet.
In fact, why are you moderator for a secular invention (web fora), running on another secular invention (computers), over yet another secular invention (the internet), that is based on the principles of secular science?
Hypocrite much?
"I don't buy into secular science much....."
Bullshit. You have electricity, are using a computer, posting on the internet, presumably haven't died from some easily treatable disease by now, etc.
"I bet you wouldn't be surprised to know I lean to a geocentric model over a heliocentric model."
Not a bit.
Not surprised, just very, very disappointed. Frankly, it surprises me more that someone so stupid not only managed to figure out how to use a computer, but was considered competent enough to moderate a Web forum.
I don't buy into Fundie Christians who say they don't buy into secular science much.
A. What the heck is "secular science?" Is there any other kind?
B. They always seem to say that they don't buy into science on the web, one of "secular science's" achievements. I bet a huge percentage of them use modern medicine, modern transportation means and probably support the polyester suit industry.
Two letters from secular science that says you do buy into it: PC
Show me where in the bible you can find instruction as to how to create a PC and connect it to other PC's and then use this biblical miracle to bash all them "secular scientists"..
Because biblical 'science' has just been full of useful discoveries.
Oh, and I guess it doesn't matter to you that the Sun orbits the Earth, DESPITE having many times its mass (and I mean many).
Good god. Reading the thread is just sad. That moderator is so fucking full of fail it's depressing.
HistoryB, if you read this, go die in a horrible, painful way. Preferably videotape it. Then post it on Youtube so we can laugh at you some more and take joy that you no longer exist to pollute the world's intelligence.
No, i'm not surprised you lean towards stupidity. I'm surprised though that you ignorant founded one of the most successful nations in the world... second to the roman empire, china and russia...
Oh, wait... nevermind.
Not to mention you manage to breathe and type at the same time...
Right, ok, so in your mind it makes perfect sense that there's this huuuuuuuuge burning ball of plasma, 330 thousand times more massive than our planet, holding 99.8% of the solar system's mass, and it revolves around us once every day? That'd mean the sun would be travelling at 24 million miles per hour or an impressive 3.5% of the speed of light!!
You don't buy into science much ? That's gotta be the understatement of the year.
"I bet you wouldn't be surprised to know I lean to a geocentric model over a heliocentric model."
No, I'm not surprised. Saddened, maybe. Depressed for the future of the Human Race. But not surprised.
You know what? For all the fundy shit-talk of not liking secular science, they sure do rely on it alot. Quit being fucking hypocrites and go join the Amish communities. Until then, STFU, fundy asshats.
So you use your PC to send this crap by Internet, then call your friends (both of them) on your MOBILE TELEPHONE to boast how you trashed the atheists, then get into your AUTOMOBILE to drive home.
Yes, you don't buy into secular science do you!
I just visited.
Unbefuckinglievable that such twaddle should see the light of day in the 19th century, let alone the 21st.
I don't buy into secular science much
Yet you reap it's benefits on a daily basis in the form of electricity, the internet, your fridge, microwave, car, computer, non-stick frying pans, medication, medical treatments, clean water, central heating, television, etc.
Yet you reap it's benefits on a daily basis in the form of electricity, the internet, your fridge, microwave, car, computer, non-stick frying pans, medication, medical treatments, clean water, central heating, television, etc.
I'm always shocked that whenever this is pointed out to a fundie who doesn't 'buy into secular science', that they fail miserably to see the irony.
Not only am I not surprised, but unless you work for NASA or one of the airlines, or are a teacher, I am not particularly concerned either.
Nope, not surprised at all. If you fail to accept science (secular is the only kind), then it's pretty obvious you lack modern knowledge about the Universe, too.
I'm surprised. I expected you to be an anti-vaxxer or a climate change denier or even a creationist, the ones we use as our marker for "can't get any dumber than that". OK, you can be a geocentric, but we are going to have to insist that you confine your comments about the sun and moon to "hot enough for you?" and "mighty purty in the moonlight". Any other interest in things beyond earth's gravity field, don't say them out loud in the streets; you'll frighten the horses.
“I don't buy into secular science much..”
Here Morgan Freeman would narrate, ‘He typed onto the internet, thus sending his arrogance through under-sea cables and bouncing it off of satellites. And that’s not even counting how many inventions made his computer possible.’
“...I bet you wouldn't be surprised to know I lean to a geocentric model over a heliocentric model.”
Freeman snorts water out of his nose and resigns.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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