Infected Beat #fundie

Here's another tidbit for you to choke on:

You narcissists LOVE inclusion because you hate having your immorality and illogical lifestyle/beliefs be the result of you being excluded in a normal society.

Inclusion sounds nice, but wait a second...

Truth is DIVISIVE, and does not care about feelings. Truth is the same today, tomorrow and forever, otherwise it wouldn't be true.

What you have been brainwashed with is the narcissistic idea of emotion having higher intrinsic value than TRUTH.

Your truth, your "god" so to speak, is you and your emotions. You don't stand against anti-humanity behaviour because you don't want anyone to stand against your own perversions. Our society has turned into a narcissist's wet dream.

That's why instead of addressing the FACTS aka the TRUTH, you come here to call what I say "vitriolic" and then declare yourself done.

This is SHIT RHETORIC, and ONLY works on a faceless written medium.

If I said all of that to you IRL and all you had to say to me is that I'm vitriolic, I would laugh in your face and you would KNOW you can't answer me cause is badger you with the same facts you can't refute until you cry.

But this is online, a world where narcissism flourishes because you can pretend you're right and run away.

You're a coward, as all narcissists are. Why do you think America has been pussification? Because narcissism is growing, and with narcissism comes a loss of moral standard, since everyone values their emotions above truth, and nobody wants to put in the effort to stand against the masses like I do.

I'm a real man. Welcome to reality, bitch.

Truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. Thankfully, your emotions are irrelevNt to truth, so if truth makes you feel bad maybe you should try changing your beliefs so they align with the objective truth.

Tell your faggot friends you know their dirty little secret, ask your Trans friends what age they were first molested. Grow up and fight against the deception that is harming our youth.

Be a man, fucking coward.

If Spoony nuts up and reads this and actually decides to discuss this with me, maybe I can bring him back from insanity and depression and worthlessness and hatred from his community.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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