As far as I can see, the reason that virginity pledges do not work is because pre-marital sex is no longer taboo. Sex is being glorified, when it should be shunned. Teenagers need to be taught that sex for any purpose other than procreation is an evil act. This way, they will avoid sex for fear of going to hell.
Besides that, condoms don't work.
1) Isn't the point of virginity pledges to make pre-marital sex taboo again?
2) People will have sex for non-procreational reasons anyway - the same way people of all religions and moral creeds act against them occasionally.
Yes, yes, repress the natural urge, tell people they're in some way evil and need redemption (from your particular brand of craziness) for feeling stuff that everyone on the planet feels.
Shit, if this doesn't sound like a cult, I have no idea what does.
"Besides that, condoms don't work. "
Yeah, tell that to the 99.9% of babies that were prevented because of condoms.
Guys, its not that condoms don't work, its that they don't work to stop teh sinful sexy tiem. Quite the opposite...
You'll just have to wait until Durex's long awaited "Chilli-Oil" edition.
"sex for any purpose other than procreation is an evil act"
So if you don't want kids then you should remain a virgin forever?
Yeah, like that's gonna happen!
And, FYI, Polishtwit, condoms are incredibly effective if used properly. What *doesn't* work is abstenence-only sex education.
As far as I can see, the reason that virginity pledges do not work is because pre-marital sex is no longer taboo. Sex is being glorified, when it should be shunned.
Yes, teach those teens how awful and sinful their bodies are. It's the Godly way.
Teenagers need to be taught that sex for any purpose other than procreation is an evil act.
Just like back in the 50s where there were a shocking number of premature babies born to newlyweds...people fucked then, in just as many numbers. They just denied it more.
This way, they will avoid sex for fear of going to hell.
Omnipotent, all powerful deity makes us, gives us an act that feels good, and allows us to reproduce, and then declares it evil, save for under very, very select circumstances...which are, oddly enough, granted and sanctioned only by the church at the time. Yeah, nothing fishy there...
Besides that, condoms don't work.
About 0.01% of the time (If used correctly), you're correct. Gotta love those odds!
Uh, sex is normal, natural, and a beautiful thing. Calling that "evil"... well, that just makes you an idiot. And condoms DO work, when used properly and consistently.
Besides that, condoms don't work.
Congratulations, Polishguy -- by spreading this particularly lie, you're participating in the spread of deadly diseases! Aren't you proud of all the lives you're helping to destroy?
(Who, exactly, is supposed to be the "evil" one here, again?)
Teenagers need to be taught that sex for any purpose other than procreation is an evil act.
Oh fuck!
Yeah, that's fucking right! Oh so evil! Oh please, crawl back under the damn rock you came out from underneath.
... they will avoid sex for fear of going to hell. Besides that, condoms don't work.
I love the anti-climactic afterthought. Kind of like "He was killed instantly and broke his watch."
Yeah, Polishguy, that worked for your grandparents, your great-great grandparents, your...
And of course, not all teenagers believe in your hell.
Besides that, condoms don't work. - not for dumbass fundies who never learned how to use them properly, they don't. The rest of the time, they're pretty effective. It must suck to believe sex is evil.
Know what virginity pledges amount to? Girls saying that they'll abstain from vaginal sex. Know what my experience was?
Oh wouldn't you like to know, you dirty fuck. You have to go snoopin' around in other people's business, just to get off, don't you? You sick bastard, you.
Yeah, that's fucking right! Oh so evil! Oh please, crawl back under the damn rock you came out from underneath.
"Bbbbut there's things fucking under this rock!!!"
Besides that, condoms don't work.
- O really? Strange. I would have said this Polish brain is in need of a transplant.
Even the Catholic Church acknowledges in all of their teachings that sex is not ONLY for procreation.
To the commenter who said this kind of idea will lead to very bad marriages...I know of many a case of young fundie women who have an exceedingly difficult time sexually in marriage because they have so internalized the idea that sex is evil and dirty and always sinful. I know some of them personally.
Yes, and you must do it through a hole in a sheet with the lights turned off and you must not derive any pleasure from the act, especially if you're a woman. But don't forget, if someone sexually abuses you, it's your fault for being so goddamn slutty.
History Teacher, I often wondered if they managed to go against years of abstinence programming and turn the action up to 11 when they got married. I mean, it's like the ultimate catch-22.
As far as I can see, the reason that virginity pledges do not work is because pre-marital sex is no longer taboo.
You admit this is purely your opinion so good for you. As for your opinion itself, isn't the purpose of the pledge to keep teenagers virgins and thereby avoid pre-marital sex altogether?! So how does the activity you're trying to steer teenagers from be the root cause that the program is failing?
Sex is being glorified, when it should be shunned. Teenagers need to be taught that sex for any purpose other than procreation is an evil act.
Well, that's your opinion, sunshine, and I'm sure there are many others who don't agree with it.
This way, they will avoid sex for fear of going to hell.
No they won't avoid it. They will hide it from you until little Becky's knocked up and it really is a problem.
Besides that, condoms don't work.
Statistical reference please or STFU!
Oh, well, in that case, I'm gonna be a virgin forever. Oh, I'm not!
Silly, you can't make babies with two girls!
>>Besides that, condoms don't work.<<
Bullshit. Numbers from Wikipedia:
Perfect-use failure rate of condoms: 2%/year
Typical-use failure rate: 15%/year
Unprotected failure rate: 85%/year.
So condoms work, but we need to make sure that everybody knows how to correctly use them correctly.
For the ladies, IUD failure rates are 0.2%/year. Much better than The Pill (which is 8%/year typical-use and 0.3%/year perfect-use).
Stack an IUD and condoms, and the failure rate of modern contraception is 0.03%/year (typical use) and 0.004%/year (perfect use). Emergency contraception gives another level of backup.
If the so-called pro-life crowd were actually interested in preventing abortion, they'd be all over supporting universal access to and use of such contraception. We could drop the incidence of abortion by a factor of several.
Polishguy dearie, in this time and age we can judge fatherhood through a blood sample, we don't need all girls to stay virgins until they marry, in order to deem ownership of their kids.
Men have, strangely enough, always been able to have pre-marital sex. In pre-DNA times, they could just say "Naaah, that wasn't me, I was in bed, praying, at the time".
Condoms work most of the times, if you use them correctly. That little bubble at the closed end should be squeezed empty before inserting the member in question.
Besides that, condoms don't work.
Hang me, dang me, but I sense there's a joke in here somewhere...
just can't quite get a handle on it.
You must be doing condoms wrong. Hint: They go on your dick, not your thumb or wherever you are putting them.
Oh, yeah, there it is..
going to hell works as well for virginity as it does for masturbation. That is to say , not at all.
How many married Christians never have sex for fun ?
condoms work well, when used properly.
Well, at least he acknowledges that they don't work. Its a step in the right direction.
Maybe in another 100 years we'll be hearing, "we conservatives always supported free access to birth control! It was those libtards who tried to keep people away from it!"
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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