Do you mean Barak HUSSAIN Obama? The MUSLIM? Hmm, where will he stand in the defence of our country against the terrorists? Oh, wait, he has already stood and voted numerous times in numerous bills and resolutions AGAINST our President and AGAINST the defence of our country.
Oh no. It's Bro. Randy. When the sycophants on his board read this, they'll fall for another one of his tall tales. And, as usual, there will be no correcting Bro. Randy.
as usual, there will be no correcting Bro. Randy.
You can't. If you try he deletes your post, shuts down the thread, and bans you.
Barack Obama is a member of the United Church of Christ. Although I doubt that many fundies would consider them "true Chrischuns", considering they have a progressive stance on homosexuality and they don't force Dubya-loving down people's throats. You see, they're more interested in things like the Gospels and such.
Hey, voting against the president usually earns people points in my book. Somehow, though, I don't think that's what you were going for there, Bro. Horny.
How can anyone be so stupid? I'd say ignorant but accusing someone of ignorance implies that they're simply unaware of the facts and capable of learning. Bro. FUckwit, however, doesn't appear capable of doing anything besides sticking his head in the troff and whacking his little winky for Jesus and 13 year olds.
Voting against the President does not automatically make him a terrorist. What's more, Bush's own party seems to be abandoning him in droves, because the man is a fuck up.
Neither would being Muslim, if Obama actually was. Just because someone doesn't belong to your favorite cult, that doesn't make them a bad person. You might want to join us in this century. Provided your god doesn't have some commandment against having a fucking clue.
He's not Muslim. His family has Muslim ties but he's openly Christian. And so what if his middle name is Hussain. That's a retarted reason not to vote for someone. And seeing how he's only been a senator for two years, I wouldn't say he voted for or against numerous bills, more like a few. You see kids, Bro.Randy sounds so silly when you compare him to calm, rational, reality.
Just so you know, Bro Randy, Hussein is an exceptionally common Arab name. Obama has said numerous times that he's not a Muslim, and even if he were, I seriously doubt he's a terrorist. The vast majority of Muslims don't even live in/sympathize with the Middle East--they're mostly Indonesian.
As for the business "against" * and "the defense of our country" (there, fixed your spelling error), do you think that means anything today? Even Republicans are running from *'s odor--not all, but enough to make Karl Rove piss his pants. And if by "defense of the country" you mean laws that curtail liberty for a bit of security (see: Ben Franklin), or things that would keep us in that hellhole we and the British created in Iraq, then I rather see that as a good thing.
In the first place, it's spelled "Hussein," and is a very common name amongst his father's culture. (A father, by the way, who had only a single real contact with his son when Obama was 11 years old and living in Hawaii.)
In the second place, Obama is not a Muslim, he is a member of th United Church of Christ. It is true he attended a public school in Indonesia for 2 years that had a majority of Muslim students, but he also attended a Catholic school for two years in the same country, and no one is accusing him of being Catholic. (But of course, to Randy, Catholic is a bad as Muslim...)
In the third place, Obama is far from alone in standing against our President, but he has never stodd against the "defense of our country." no politician who wants to be reelected ever has.
In the fourth place, Randy is an idiot.
It's just sad that Obama likely doesn't stand a chance of winning the Presidency because of idiots like this, the idiotic lies they will spread, and the idiots who will believe them.
Only that he´s a Christian, Randy. Of course, watching what you think about Darfur, I´m not surprised at all of your ignorance.
I did some research on Barack Obama, because I had thought he was a Muslim who had converted to Christianity. He was only a Muslim by the technicality that his father was a non-practicing Muslim. He only met his father once in his entire life. His mother was a student of world religions, thought she subscribed to none. Barack chose Christianity as his faith - you'd think Bro. Randy would be pleased. What a jerk.
@ WritingIsMyReligion : Indonesian Muslims make up 86% of a 222 million population and with Egypt alone having 78 million citizens, and 90% of those identifying as Muslims, there's no way Indonesia can claim to have the vast majority of the world's Muslims. What it does posess, however, is the largest Muslim population of any country in the world.
Thanks to Wikipedia for giving me the exact numbers.
Just because he has a name that is commonly associated with a religion(Islam in this case), that doesn't make him part of that religion.
Take me for example, using the english translation of the bible I share the name with one of jesus' disciples and yet I'm not a christian.
What the fuck does Randy want already? Obama is the Dem who has been giving speeches about how the party needs to embrace more Christians and be more vocal about their own faith, etc., etc. (I disagree with him, by the way.)
"...he has already stood and voted numerous times in numerous bills and resolutions AGAINST our President..."
which makes him a decent man. which, i suspect, is why randy-4-teens hates him so.
Oh, Randy... You live up to the hype. You've truly outdone yourself this time, sir. I applaud you. Fundie of the Year, please!
I can imagine many strange things, but this...
Careful, Boy Randy. Gawd's gonna get jealous at your adoration of the idiot prince of Bush, George the Turd.
The defense of your country? Against a country that didn't even make a move towards you? The one you invaded under fallacious information?
AND HE'S NOT A GODDAMNED MUSLIM! And even if he was, why the fuck would it matter?
Every time a fundy says "Barack Obama" they have to say "Barack HUSSEIN Obama".
And half the above HTML won't work.
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