Your a stupid emo teenager. What do you know?
While it's true that teenagers may not know as much as some older, wiser people, to dismiss their opinion on the basis of their age is a mating call of an idiot. What does being "emo" got to do with this is anyone's guess.
Abortion is the modern holocaust, anyone with a heart and a brain would want to ban it.
Project much? Anyone with a brain and heart would want women to make their own choice in regards to what happens with their bodies.
Even Jane Roe is pro-life now. Hell, even Bernard Bathanson, founder of NARAL and former abortion "doctor", is pro-life.
I don't know these people so I'll refrain from comment.
80% of the country opposes homos marrying, to force society to accept that is true tyranny.
No. The tyranny is to prohibit people from forming emotional unions based on love and mutual respect. Nobody is forcing you to commit to a homosexual marriage so shut the fuck up.
Brownback doesn't want to replace evolution with creation. Way to assume you douchebag.
Again, I know nothing about this.
School prayer was allowed in the time of the founding fathers. Just because a few atheists and secular Jews don't like it doesn't mean we shouldn't have it.
If you want to pray in school then that is your choice. The problem starts when the school as an institution forces students to pray even when they don't believe. Pray all you want, jackass. Just don't expect everyone else to bow down to that dipshit god of yours.
This country is a Christian majority. If you want left-wing atheism then move to the PRC.
Yeah, very nice. Would you like to also tell us how evil communists are and compare them with Nazis?
I sure wouldn't care if your kind left. And no I dont believe in creationism and all that nonsense, so don't cry "fundy" at me. I just have the common sense to see that all you damn 18 year old liberals are screwing up the entire world with your backwards idealism.
Again, 18-year-olds are the future of the world. If they choose not to believe in your ass-backwards god then all the better, I say. Being 18 has no bearing on the validity on your views. Only maturity plays a part in that and it seems that whatever age you are, the aforementioned maturity has not yet caught up. Good day to you.