There is more evidence documented, of the existence of Jesus Christ then there is of Julius Caesar.
Well, only if you think about evidence in religious texts, written decades after the alleged death of Jesus and by people who never met Jesus in person and would have an interest in believing all stories they heard about the person called Jesus.
In contrast we have numerous contemporary accounts about Caesar, even by people which you could call his enemies and we have lots of books written by Caesar himself.
We actually have an autograph of Julius Caesar, as well as several books written (or at least dictated) by him, as well as an entire chunk of Western history (the Roman Empire) DIRECTLY influenced by him.
We also have contemporary coins with his picture on him.
Where, oh where, are the books directly authored by Jesus of Nazareth?
Let me get this straight...
Caesar: Coins minted with his face on it. Historical documents. Lands were conquered by him.
Jesus: Gospels written long after he was dead were shoehorned into a format similar to pre-existing mythos styles and tropes.
If by "evidence documented" you mean "made up bullshit people spew" then you might be right.
Otherwise, go drink lye.
We have 2 busts made of Julius at the time he was Caesar. There are coins with his likeness. No one know what Jesus looked like.
Many independent historians of Julius' time wrote of him, none wrote of Jesus.
Jesus: 1 book written by primitive goat herders.
Julius Caesar: Several text book, documentaries, ect...
Looks like you're wrong.
Documented in the bible, you mean.
In the real world on the other hand, there is no evidence of Jesus other than what was derived from the bible, which is to say none at all.
1Burning Stake nailed it.
You hear this shit all the time from Xtian apologists, but what they never mention is that no one has ever threatend me with eternal torture if I don't believe in Julius Caesar.
Jesus is only mentioned in the Bible and by Josephus, the Roman historian. Both were written after Jesus was dead. Josephus was just describing what the Christians believed. Surviving copies of his work passed through Catholic hands, which suggests they may have been "edited" to conform to Christian beliefs.
Suetonius and Tacitus both mentioned "Christians" in their writings, but didn't refer directly to Christ Himself.
In addition to the reference in Josephus, these are the only times that Christ or Christians are mentioned in secular First Century literature.
At least in the literature that has survived.
Let's see! Jesus Christ is mentioned frequently in the Bible(a piece of religious propaganda) and has two mentions in Josephus (one questionable, and one obviously false and added later). Julius Caesar wrote his own book, listed in Roman records, contemporary statues and coins with his likeness, mentions by other politicians pro and con, mentions by other countries leaders (mostly con), and a calendar. Wanta throw that cowpatty in the air again and see how many times it get shot again there, J LaFart?
You might be on to something here LaForte. I mean, we have probably only a few dozen statues and busts of Caesar, but thousands of churches around the world have a crucifix, or an icon of Jeebus... HALLE-FUCKIN'-LUJAH! PROOF!!!
Okay, I'll bite, even if there were no evidence of Julius Caesar at all, how would that strengthen the case for Jesus' existence one iota? Its time you people dropped that incredibly weak non-argument and find something more substantial to lend your position credibility.
You do have something more substantial, don;t you?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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