Can a woman be sexy and holy at the same time? Absolutely not. It's like oil and water- they don't mix. A woman can be beautiful and sexy, but at what price? I recently watched a great lecture from Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak. A secular Israeli woman was complaining to him that she wasn't blessed with children yet, and she was married in a traditional Jewish wedding. Rabbi Amnon held up a white handkerchief and replied: "Do you know what's been stopping you from having children? See this white piece of fabric?" Yes, ladies, he was saying that the reason she couldn't have children was because she didn't cover her hair.
"Objection, your honor!" I can hear you say. "There are plenty of religious women that also don't have children, and they cover their hair!" Okay, we can't know the spiritual reasons for everything. I can only tell you that the connection between hair covering and fertility has been pointed out repeatedly by many sages and rabbis throughout our history. You can do your own research on the matter. Rabbi Amnon has a great track record, though. He promised her, "If you commit to covering your hair, I will give you a blessing that you will have a baby this year." She could barely hold back her tears as she reluctantly placed the covering over her hair. Next thing you know, I was the one who couldn't hold back the tears as the video cut to her holding her baby boy at his brit milah, as Rabbi Amnon sat down in the Sandak's chair. There are many, many cases of infertility that have been resolved in this matter.
There was another video in which a woman who was childless for many years was very reluctant to cover her hair as well. Rabbi Amnon asked her, "Do you want the shechena (neighbor) in your home, or the Shechina (Divine Presence) in your home?" That was enough to convince her!
Is it enough to convince you?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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