Mguy #fundie
Asian culture inherently value betatudeness in men. White people are taking their women in droves and there is no resentment from the males? Where is the repercussion if an Asian Female dates outside her race? There should be repercussions but there is none.
Asian males should at least have a rule that if Asian girl dates outside then she becomes waste and undateabale. Don't let them resettle back to the Asian male population when they are getting old and used up. Repercussions man.
Asian men are easily crippled because they are going against a majority. Wasn't there a news that military Asian guy killed himself bc the soldiers kept harassing him about him being Asian? I mean this dude is serving the country and he gets that treatment -- wtf? Read the bamboo ceiling.
Asian American Females are the biggest sell outs. But you know what? This is not just them. This is inherent in ALL asian cultures.. it is just that USA magnifies this aspect of the culture. It happens when a population immigrates to a majority controlled lands. This is White man world, keep your facts straight.