katyanne #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[on whether or not women should wear pants]

My beleif is that it would be wrong for me to wear pants. I used to wear them, but the Lord convicted me about this and that is why I say that for me to wear pants would be wrong. I heard this idea presented and I went and began to study it for myself. The Bible tells us to be modest as women. I watched women pants-wearers closely for about two weeks. It didn't seem to matter what kind of pants they wore, tight, loose etc. ALL of them seemed to creep in places they shouldn't. So that is not modest.

God convicted me (and this was at the same time He convicted me about wearing mini-skirts and tight tops that showed my belly off etc) about this. He was working on all these things in me at the same time, and to me a pair of pants was almost as bad as a mini-skirt, and still immodest.



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