[on whether or not women should wear pants]
My beleif is that it would be wrong for me to wear pants. I used to wear them, but the Lord convicted me about this and that is why I say that for me to wear pants would be wrong. I heard this idea presented and I went and began to study it for myself. The Bible tells us to be modest as women. I watched women pants-wearers closely for about two weeks. It didn't seem to matter what kind of pants they wore, tight, loose etc. ALL of them seemed to creep in places they shouldn't. So that is not modest.
God convicted me (and this was at the same time He convicted me about wearing mini-skirts and tight tops that showed my belly off etc) about this. He was working on all these things in me at the same time, and to me a pair of pants was almost as bad as a mini-skirt, and still immodest.
Oh noes, tight pants. That's how they're made for women. You don't like it, wear something else. Don't complain about it to God, because God doesn't care at all.
Why do they hate their bodies so? i honestly can't understand this.
if god created man in his own image, why cover it up?
oh yeah, i forgot, this is Christianity; all thins female are wrong. no wonder we get pederast priests.
I seem to remember a church song about this from my childhood (I'm ex-christian). You can't get to heaven in a mini skirt, 'cause God doesn't like girls who flirt. Clearly, the batshit sentiment is still alive and kicking.
If it's "immodest" for women to wear pants because of "creep," well, then, it also must be immodest for men to wear them as well.
According to the standards you describe, we should all follow the dress code of hard-core Muslims. Break out your burqua, sister!
Actually, pants are the most modest thing you can ever imagine, much more than skirts, according to your standards. So, are you trying to make holier a simple social stereotype?
I just don't see how skirts can be regarded as more modest than pants. On a windy day, that skirt will blow right between your legs leaving an outline of your figure for all around to see. Of course, the fundy response to this is probably to lock their wimmins indoors when the weather's bad.
Only in the Old Testament is there a specific admonition for women to wear what becomes women and men to wear what becomes men. Tranvetistism, presumably, is punished. The Bible just calls it "an abomination." But then again, most Christians seem to like to only cherry-pick Old Testament verses anyway, loving to hate gays but ignoring the commandments against shrimp .
And in the New Testament, Paul (who never met Jesus in the flesh, by the way) wants women to be submissive but says nothing specifically about pants. Timothy says that women should dress "in modest apparel ," but does not say whether pants can be considered "modest" or not.
Jesus himself had no words about apparel. Only his apostles did, and they were writing about what they *thought* Jesus would want. Your argument, if you ignore the Old Testament law as most Christians do, fails.
Burning Stake, should fundies be against Gay Shrimp?
Only if they want to be consistent in their religion. The hypocrisy of fundamentalists is what angers me the most about them; they love to quote Leviticus when it comes to gays but they are silent when it comes to issues regarding food, cleanliness, or in genral anything else it commands. At most, they wave it away with a dismissive "That's in the Old Testament, so we don't need to worry about it."
Saying things like that while claiming the Bible is inerrant is what makes me vent by coming to sites like this.
But yes, I also know that not all religious people are like this. Just the fundamentalist ones.
And gay shrimp, I wonder if they taste. . .FABULOUS! (If this joke offends people, I'll take it down. I really hope to not get banned from this site!)
Well, men didn't wear pants in Jesus' time either. So obviously trousers are of the devil.
Do these people ever actually think about the real issues of the world, or are they just so self-obsessed that all they can consider is irrelevant, subjective nonsense like this?
So in the world we have:
Racial hatred,
Starving millions,
And Fundamentalism
and god is worried about girls wearing pants?
I can see how that's SO much more important!
Jesus tap-dancing Christ , kid. Right, your vagina is a dirty place of evil where nothing should touch, and nothing should obstruct your jealous, insecure husband's access.
Wow--watching women's butts. Great hobby!
Just because you're ashamed of your body doesn't give you leave to make others be so as well. But then, in your case you should be wearing a veil and burka--you're about as ugly as a vulture. Smell like one too.
Thank Goddess for Pagan women, made in the likeness of the Goddess Herself. At least they know they're beautiful and show it.
Remember, for an older girl or adult woman, being sexually attractive to males isn't just about getting laid or finding a mate. It's also about power -- getting a man to change your flat tire for you, share his resources with you, protect you from being attacked by leopards, etc..
If she feels guilty about dressing sexy, her religion is essentially telling her to disempower herself.
I for one, agree. Skirts are easier to lift up, when you want to fuck...
Ok, but seriously, this assumption is base retarded. I think everyone else's comments about sums the rest up nicely.
You know, if this is what fundies think is too sexy... pants. Then I have to wonder why they allow men to wear them. Maybe the religion has some female influence after all...
Admit it, Kat. You're just a slut who wants oggle men's bodies!
As a girl who grew up in the fundie "no pants brigade" I have to inform everyone that when a fundie woman gets "convicted" about wearing pants, it does NOT usually mean she wears the stylish skirts and dresses that modern women often wear. It means that she mostly wears unactractive, bulky, flowing, ankle length dresses, skirts, and jumpers, no matter what the season. There are a rare handful of exceptions--usually "culottes" (Although, there are even some fundie churches that frown upon these as too liberal!).
Fundie culottes are HIDEOUS split skirts that are so baggy that they blow up like two parachutes in the wind. Many times, fundies require that "culotte slips" are worn underneath this odd piece of clothing. Culottes are usually worn only in athletic activites such as tennis or swimming. (Yes, in the water! Swimming suits are "immodest.")
Another exception is "skirlots," but these are a bit newer. I didn't wear these very often when I was growing up. They are basically skirts with long shorts sewn underneath. These are very thick and hot in the summer.
Fundie women get this BS from 1st Timothy 2:9 (at least this is what I was always taught). It is just ridiculous.
"...that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;"
The verse explicitly states that it is immodest to have braided hair, jewlery, and expensive clothes. It's silly! Most fundie women I know decide to wear skirts and dresses only, but then they braid their hair and wear jewlery. The verse says nothing absolutely nothing about pants!
Fundies just don't have functioning brains.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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