Ann Barnhardt #fundie

It has to be said: what kind of parent would send their child to a public school today in the first place? I’m dead serious here. Public school is handing your children over to Marxist, satanic psychopaths because you (the parents, and let’s face it, grandparents too. If I was a grandparent, I’d offer to help with the home schooling myself OR chip in to pay for private tutors. Hey. Two BRILLIANT ideas in one sentence: something for the old folks to do besides watching the damn TeeVee AND the call for the resurgence in the private tutoring business!) are too damn greedy and/or lazy to homeschool. ”We can’t AFFORD it.” Yeah. The immortal souls of your OWN CHILDREN are of little to no value. Way to go, post-Christian denizens of the Iniquitous Gutter Kleptarchy. Way to “take up your crosses.” Nice hustle.



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