Joseff Amador #fundie
It is clear that God hated Esau. Paul uses this example to say that Esau was a vessel of wrath prepared for destruction. Salvation and damnation are both things that exist to glorify God. You must embrace the God of the Bible, not the God of comfortable emotions. (that's an idol) Don't view God with sticky, romantic sentimentality, or view him with our fallen emotions.
We must think rightly about God, and to do that we must believe what the Bible says about him, even if sometimes it's a bitter pill to swallow. How comfortable we are about God's attributes and actions does not determine whether or not something is true. The Bible does, regardless how we feel about it. This is why Paul tells us to renew our mind, and conform it to the word of God, rather than vice versa.
Finally, a poster above is correct. You cannot separate the sin from the sinner. It is impossible for God to love the sinner but hate the sin. Sin is not an external thing that only exists on the surface level of who is a sinner is, but it penetrates to the core and defines who the sinner is. God does not throw sin into hell, he throws sinners into hell. God does not view sin as a desperate thing from the sinner (unless that person is saved, of course).
Jonathan Edwards is 100% correct. In hell, God will abhor you. The Bible tells us that God Himself describes his wrath being poured out by saying he will crush you under his feet until your blood splatters and stains all of His clothes. (Isa 63:3) If you cannot worship this God, then you are not worshiping the One True God, the God of the bible, but an idol. A god of your own making, a god in your own image.
Don't throw away God's holiness, righteouss, and wrath and justice against sin for the sake of His love. You must embrace and accept both attributes, or else you have a half-god, a false god.