"I never said that the colonial powers were fair or nice, in any way. Of course they were self-oriented. But nobody has yet explained, WHY they existed in the first place. Maybe because the obvious conclusion, is that Europeans are and always were superior to Africans? About resources, they're not in Africa due to merit of the Africans, but for pure chance. So I dont get your point."
Erm, the majority of colonial administrators were in trade agreements with the respective people that they "moved in
on" and the locals agreed. The administrators however, abused and went back on their deals and wound up domineering the locals with weaponry and the church if they resisted.
The same thing happened with the Boers and the English, two groups of Europeans, remember?
"so there are doctors educated in Africa. Guess where they get their equipment, and scientific knowledge from? I dont get why people keep questioning that I've been in Africa, even if I wasnt what difference would it make? Does that disprove all that I said? And what about you, have you ever lived there?"
First of all, you wouldn't hold anyone else to that excuse you mounted. I guess the Chinese are inferior because they didn't invented the majority of modern technologies on their land? How much of the technology that Europeans use in Europe is uniquely European?
See Oswald, ideas and innovation don't have a color. The collimation of all technologies today can be linked back to people that sure as hell aren't western European or purely white but rather Mediterranean and arab and even far east Asian. Hell, most civilizations have had the same amount of technological development early on as the Europeans. Western Europeans were lucky enough to have traded and establish trade lines and dialog with those people. Technology and advancement comes through dialog and trade, not strictly through "genetics".
Even with all of the "technology" in the world, Europeans have had a hard time figuring out the whole "civilized" bit, much like everyone else.
And about the living in Africa thing: why would you even mention that you lived in Africa in the first place? Does that give you some sort of authority on the situation when you clearly said: "I dont get why people keep questioning that I've been in Africa, even if I wasnt what difference would it make? Does that disprove all that I said?"
You keep using your supposed time in Africa to justify and help your arguments and conclusions.
"Some African countries ARE growing, also due to outside investiment, but some are NOT. Comparing them to Albania is actually correct, and it says a lot -"
And... so?
"Albanians are Europeans only geographically, they're pretty much like Africans in every other way. "
No true European fallacy? By the way, they are the children of Greece and Roman civ. What does that say about them? What should it say? Nothing. It wasn't genetics that destroyed Albania, but political considerations. Notice how the same is for many African nations that went through turbulent times during the last fifty years, all of them victims of the cold war.
"No, I've never been in Albania, but I've been close enough, and besides you can know a lot about them through many sources."
Close enough? Geez, you're a regular world traveler, aren't you?
"Amanda, you're a politically correct schmuck. Simple as that."
Argument ad-honiem much?
"You are quite shortsighted, though, if you continue to blame the colonial powers for everything that doesnt work in Africa right now. Just remember, they were "exploited", as you put it, for a reason. "
Excuse =/= Valid reason, and colonialism is plenty of a valid reason. Go study the inner-workings of a colonial state sometime. Go read up on the world bank and the flawed policies that they made African states take for loan money.
"you said it all: "that XIX century archaeologist resisted to believe that they were black Africans". You cant see the pattern implied there? "
What does that have to do with anything if they were black Africans? That means the archaeologists were WRONG. Black Africans have achieved plenty on their own before colonialism.
"I do agree with you, we are all humans and have the capacity to progress. I hope Africans will eventually get their act together"
Funny thing is, people like you think history is a basketball game of horse when it's really a game of baseball: it isn't over until it's over and it takes awhile for it to unfold. 50+ years is a drop in the bucket.
"I do have good African friends there, that definitely deserve better."
Would they happen to be made of straw and tar?