When 'speaking one's mind' consists of nothing more than being in denial of facts (the 'Ark'/'Global Flood' not happening, with all the historical/archaeological evidence proving the Bible wrong, as the 'story' of the 'Ark'/'Flood' is just that: a story, a parable & metaphor), pretending to be drunk, and saying stupid rhymes, saying something then denying it - only for such to be proved wrong by our admin Distind doing an IP check on said posts, then continually making claims of what'll supposedly 'happen' to us when we die - but without any basis whatsoever; even resorting to going on another forum* to ask for any Scriptural basis for such (and the forum's members not only proving her wrong, but calling her out on such historically unjustifiable, nay, doctrinally heretical claims), then that's nothing more than trolling. Which she has been doing nothing but for a fair few years now.
If you continue to 'speak your mind' (tact & diplomacy clearly alien concepts to you. Also not learning when to keep one's trap shut, particularly when what you 'have' to say is antagonistic, i.e. trolling), then we'll speak ours: pointing & laughing at you, belittling you, saying the very (non-racist) things that offends you, and generally proving how inferior** you are to we Atheists/non-fundie Theists who are more than infinitely superior to you (and there areAfrican-American/other countries commenters here, along with the female & non-fundie believers who rip the piss out of the fundies quoted here, and more power/respect to these commenters, says I).
*- And on said forum, admitting she'd 'only just recently become a Christian', yet saying the same here way before then. Lying. Never constructively adding to discussions/debates; always stirring up shit. She's not a Christian. But a Troll.
**- White fundies by definition are inferior. And remember: Hitler was a white fundie Christian too, and he was the worst inferior subhuman who dared to waste oxygen. As shown in the 1936 Berlin Olympics, Jesse Owens proved he was more than infinitely superior to Hitler & all Nazis.
Like I say: on any other forum/board, she'd have been permabanned way before now. Why shouldn't her commenting privileges be similarly removed permanently here on FSTDT?
She claims to not like the way she's treated by all & sundry here, yet, she keeps coming back for more. Masochist, much? Love playing the victim, eh? (certainly the 'Race Card', where there was no racism even inferred /implied; we on FSTDT fiercely condemn racism espoused by those who are quoted here, but seems you want it, merely to justify your sad, pathetic little existence). Persecution Complex, much?
You hate something, but you love it. Can't have it both ways. Either stay and be offended (but not racially, despite your 'imagining' such to be so, merely to justify your 'victim'/'persecution' complex), and those who offend you will just 'pick on you' via calling you out on your shit-stirring, as Kuno says - in your case, more than justified, due to your long behavioural track record; and laugh at your butthurt, (which you subconsciously love feeling), or if you don't really like it, there's a simple solution: Leave, and never return.
...oh, and to further prove my point:
(From asanta, member of CFI Forums):
"A troll is someone uninterested in intellectual discourse. A troll cannot see past his or her own dogma to consider someone elses opinion. A troll threatens and belittles those who have other beliefs. A troll posts the same unsubstantiated dogma over and over again despite having the flaws pointed out again and again and again. A theistic troll accuses us of sinning, threatens us with hell and other delights we have pointedly explained over and over that we do not believe in."
[@T**y B****s, the internet's most notorious loony fundie spam monster/troll, under the ban-evading nick 'Revivin']:
'asanta you are a troll.
A theist mentions Hell to you after having proven it as has been the case with you many times, and yet here again: you can’t cease to exist because you are made in God’s image, obvious by the fact the human race is far above all other creatures and our ability of God-consciousness in our spirits. But not only this, Jesus said we would all be resurrected and proved He is God by His resurrection which you can find no naturalistic explanation. Since you want to be eternally separated from God (it is irrelevant how you reject Him), you will go where? To Hell. It’s not a threat. It’s a fact. The proof leads to no other possibility than you will spend eternity in Hell as you wish.
Are you going to be a zombie for Satan for the rest of your life or are you going to examine the data and come up with a naturalistic explanation that fits the data, but if unable, then give your live to Christ?
Comment on the topic and stop being a troll! And don’t use some stupid argument like God doesn’t exist. Jesus proved He is God by His resurrection, just as God is proven by the fact something can’t come from nothing; nature can’t cause itself, nor can it always have been existing, because mankind would not still be sinning to the extent it still does.
Hell is real. You have a foretaste of Hell even now, even though your conscience is insensitive and dull to realize it.'
"Checkmate! You’ve just proved my point!!!"
(on the previous page; T**y B****s under the ban-evading nick 'perfect'):
'At least you can’t murder us now, all you can do is martyr Christians on the Internet. Martyring Christians you think is moral. I think you are being racist. Atheists are going to Hell along with Catholics. One little sin eternally separates you from God, so since you don’t want to be saved, you will go to Hell.
You’re a troll.'
[@dougsmith, admin of CFI Forums]:
"Parture was banned for flagrant rule violations. This description is itself a form of trolling. Continued trolling will result in banning of your account as well."
[@'perfect', a.k.a. 'Parture', a.k.a. T**y B****s sockpuppet]:
'You shouldn’t accuse people with nothing to back up your accusation. That’s a sin. Obviously, this was a clear targeting of a Christian. This is racist.'
[@Mriana, mod of CFI Forums]:
"Revivin, Xianity is not a race, so therefore it is not racism. Anyone of any “race” or rather ethnicity can be Xian. There is only one race- the human race. Therefore ethnicity is the more proper term, but still it is not ethnic specific to even shout racism or what have you. It is not specific to Europeans or more specifically Italians, since Xianity started in Rome."
BTW, T**y B****s is white.
'He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that dares not reason is a slave'
-William Drummond
...oh, and speaking of 'inferiority', if Christian Fundamentalists want to make their country - the US - inferior to China, certainly educationally/industrially/commercially/socially, you go right ahead. Only, don't take the rest of the highly-educated, non-fundie USA with you. Otherwise, the Dominionist agenda of right-wing Fundamentalist Christianity represents a clear and present danger to all normal, sane, secular-governed soceties/countries. And not just militarily, neither. The reality-denying process of fundie 'hoemskuling' is psychological child abuse, and how the victims of those who think they have the right to promote religious-based education is more insidious & worse than Al-Qaeda; certainly indoctrination of kids in the Third Reich. One word: Madrassas.
The phrase 'Talibangelists'. It exists for a reason. Ergo, Fundamentalist Christianity's inferiority. QED.
And by definition, Trolls are inferior too. Via everything they say/do/think/'believe'. And it matters not their race, colour, 'beliefs' etc. Do normal, sane people behave in this unjustifiable way? No. Therefore, that behaviour which can never be justified is by definition, inferior.
I don't 'troll'. Never seen the point of it, anyway (besides, stating fact isn't trolling). Therefore I'm not inferior.
@Mister Spak
@His4Life (emph-ass-is added):
"How many times do I have to explain to you that I am not a Republican, Anon-e-moose and Mister Spak? I've challenged the Republican party on here many times and have called attention to their inherent racism over and over again. I don't know how much more clear I can be about it."
I seem to remember how a certain someone who shall remain clueless thought that Batscat Shelly was a good thing; certainly good enough to vote for, nay represent the Repubican Party (emph-ass-is added):
"Palin in general is ok. I would vote for her. But she is not the best choice imo. i prefer Michelle Bachmann, who is much more capable as a leader, or even Herman Cain, although Cain is a bit too "fringe" to get the nomination I tihnk."
...nah, couldn't have been our resident troll. Even though she's lied many times before (remember claiming not to have said something, yet our admin Distind proving otherwise), and considering the fact that Batscat Shelly is white...! [/hyper-sarcasm]
Someone here has the superior memory (certainly intellect) here. And it's not you, troll.
Not forgetting the comments by dionysus, Damarth, Tempus, and especially Jack Bauer (one word: refudiating).
Such verbal annihilation of someone, it makes me proud I'm not the only Argument Annihilator here! Being 'picked on' in this way, as Kuno says? Oh, it is to laugh! (*pats Troll/Liar/4Life on head*) Now you go back to your plastic bridge & plushie goats, and Fuzzy Felt 'Look! I Can Be Vengeful God Too!'© - playsets dear, the adults are talking. Certainly those superior to you, little one. [/mega-patronising]
Don't like being 'picked on' in this way (although you actually do, you being the little masochist you are!), you know what you can do: And don't let the door hit you on the way out, as it locks behind you. Permanently.
It's not my fault, if there are those who can't read, never mind anything longer than one sentence. Capisce, troll?!