How many scientists have created something out of nothing? Zero?
How many have ever claimed to?
Not even a stick of juicy fruit gum?
At a molecular or atomic scale a stick of Juicy Fruit wouild be rather damn complex.
Amazing when you compare that to the creation of the entire universe.
You overlook one very, very important point. The Big Bang model does not postulate that "something was created out of nothing". Big Bang cosmology postulate that everything that makes up the universe was part of a superdense singularity
Well, I guess I’ll leave all you sophistimicated smart folks alone now, and go back to thumping my Bible.
If you are intent on remaining willfully ignorant on certain subjects while at the same time acting as if you speak with authority about them then it's probably for the best.
If atheists are just as capable of being as moral and decent as believers,
In many cases they tend to be more moral because they don't have an imaginary magic man that they can use to excuse, rationalize, or justify their actions. Atheists must own their actions, good or bad, rather than use a cherry picked out-of-context bible verse to allieviate themelves of guilt and responsibility.
how come they all seem to be insufferable a$$holes like you, Phil?
So because you claim that certain people are "insufferable a$$holes" then it must be true? To think that all these years I thought those were subjective terms.
Seriously now, the fact that simply disagreeing with you is all it takes for you to consider some people to be "insufferable a$$holes" them you might be the one with the problem.