Mike King #racist tomatobubble.com
NY Times: An Atlas of Upward Mobility Shows Paths Out of Poverty
A decades-old effort found that moving poor families to better neighborhoods did little to help them. A new look at the data suggests the opposite.
The Anti-New York Times
TRANSLATION: Get ready White suburbanites. Obongo's "sons" and "amigos" are coming to a 'cul de sac' near you.
All these decades of "studying" poverty, and the answer to "inequality" was right under our noses all along. Thanks to this latest "study" - the findings of which, according to the article, "have been presented to members of the Obama administration, as well as to Hillary Rodham Clinton and Jeb Bush, both of whom have signaled that mobility will be central themes of their 2016 presidential campaigns."
Be assured that this latest buzz-word - "mobility" - is not to be confused with the traditional methods of climbing the socio-economic ladder (hard work, discipline, frugality, patience etc.) In Marxified Amerika, such quaint old fashioned virtues are as outdated as knickerbockers and petticoats. In the abomination that is the Obama-Nation, "mobility" will be achieved simply by transplanting feral inmates from the inner-city into the suburbs (on the 'racist' suburban taxpayers' dime, of course). Sulzberger's hand-picked academics argue that the Welfare Queen's loud litter of fatherless pups will somehow magically transform into the Huxtable Family when we place them in the predominately White suburbs.
After the Los Angeles riots of 1992, the social engineers of Congress created an anti-poverty scheme called 'Moving to Opportunity'. It gave vouchers to help poor families move to better neighborhoods. As even this Slime's article confirms, the long-term results showed no significant improvement in either education or income. The idiot "intellectuals" were at a loss to explain why their scheme failed.
Now, from Manhattan's Mount Olympus comes the trumpeted word of a "new study" to contradict the old one. Typical! Harvard egg-head Raj Chety, the author of the study and protege of Harvard's Martin Feldstein (cough-cough), is quoted:
The data show we can do something about upward mobility. Every extra year of childhood spent in a better neighborhood seems to matter."
We are quite certain that Professor Chety's community will be exempted from the coming "cultural enrichment" that will be unleashed upon the middle-class suburbs. As with so many of these "studies", the great and good "intellectuals" who craft them are so blinded by their preconceived biases and well-meaning pipe dreams, that they fail to notice the inherent flaws and circular logic (illogic) embedded in their experiments. For example, the article reveals:
"Based on the earnings records of millions of families that moved with children, it finds that poor children who grow up in some cities and towns have sharply better odds of escaping poverty than similar poor children elsewhere."
Mr. Chety, did it occur to you that the "families that moved" did so because they had already escaped poverty? In other words, the families did not achieve upward mobility because they moved. They moved because they achieved upward mobility! Having moved up as the result of hard work, focus and discipline, is it really so surprising that such parents would then pass those values onto their children, who then go on to become more successful adults?
Whether they are merely stupid or just plain evil, logic never seems to matter to these academic Lefties. David B. Grusky (cough-cough), director of the Center on Poverty and Inequality at Stanford University, adds his two-cents:
“This (study) delivers the most compelling evidence yet that neighborhoods matter in a really big way."
That's great, David. Why don't you adopt little Malik?
Of course, at the highest levels of America's PRC (Predatory Ruling Class), the "anti-poverty" spin for this totalitarian scheme has a much darker motive. The Globo-Zio elite couldn't give a rat's arse about the sanctified "poor". The goal here is the obliteration of White America (and Mother Europe). And this "study" fits in perfectly with what we already know about Obongo's plans to flood the suburbs with free-loaders. From U.S. News & World Report, 2013 - Read it and weep:
HUD Proposes Plan to Racially, Economically Integrate Neighborhoods
The Department of Housing and Urban Development has proposed a rule to desegregate U.S. neighborhoods.
"The Department of Housing and Urban Development has proposed a new plan to change U.S. neighborhoods it says are racially imbalanced or are too tilted toward rich or poor, arguing the country's housing policies have not been effective at creating the kind of integrated communities the agency had hoped for.
The proposed federal rule, called "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing," is currently under a 60-day public comment period. Though details of how the policy would specifically work are unclear, the rule says HUD would provide states, local governments and others who receive agency money with data and a geo-spatial tool to look at "patterns of integration and segregation; racially and ethnically concentrated areas of poverty; access to education, employment, low-poverty, transportation, and environmental health."
Oh Boobus Caucasianus Americanus (and Europithecus, Canadius and Australopithecus)! Has the mind-numbing and soul-crushing din of the Devil's Loud-speaker (TV) so dulled your mind and desensitized your heart to the point that you cannot hear the death-bells tolling, nor see the grim reaper of genocide approaching? Evidently so.