Several of the UK’s major retail and grocery chains released their Christmas adverts this week. Whilst I’m not an avid television viewer, during the near decade I’ve lived on these shores I don’t ever remember this time of the year being quite such an onslaught on traditional British and European values.
Tesco, Britain’s largest supermarket with a 27.9% market share, was one of the first corporations to release their “Christmas” ad. The ad features Muslims, Sikhs (as if these groups observe Christmas whatsoever) and what is seemingly a gay couple, but no obvious Christians or Christian elements. The hashtag accompanying the ad is the amazingly virtue-signalling #EveryonesWelcome.
Debenhams’ and John Lewis’ ads then followed in quick succession. The Debenhams ad, with the hashtag #YouShall, depicts a black man and a white woman exchanging lustful glances on a train carriage, before parting ways. They then use social media to try and find one other once more, until eventually they bump into each other by chance and immediately start kissing and embracing.
The John Lewis ad features a mixed-race boy befriending a noisy, yet charming monster who has made his home under the boy’s bed. The boy’s mother is white and the father is black – who knows, it might be the “Debenhams” couple a few years down the line?
Anyone who tries to tell you that the makeup of these couples and families is “coincidental” and was “randomly chosen” is either lying, or is utterly deluded. These are globalist corporations depicting their ideal future, a future world filled with rootless, coffee-coloured consumers that guarantee the companies’ rich profits and continued growth. This is a propaganda war against white Britain and against the Europe of our ancestors.
The only way to fight back is to hit these corporations where it hurts, and take your business elsewhere. Buy local produce wherever possible. Speak out against what the companies are propagating for, and be part of the backlash that has already started. The videos are getting hammered in the comment sections on YouTube (the John Lewis ad less so than the other two). Customers’ venting their fury on Twitter even forced Tesco to come out in defence of their video.
Even though the globalist corporations hate white people with a passion, we have a fighting chance to make them reconsider their strategy if they feel our rage and see the their profits plummeting. Failing that, we can at least do our bit in hitting them financially, thus taking away some of the resources they are able to invest in the production of these videos. In that respect, every little really does help.