[on the vehicular vandalism of a planned parenthood clinic in St Paul, Wis.]
Several employees were in the building at the time, said Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Kathi Di Nicola. She said the SUV hit the front door of the clinic two or three times, damaging the clinic's front door and surrounding stonework.
When Di Nicola arrived at the clinic, she said the man had gotten out of the SUV and was pacing around it, holding a crucifix and chanting. "He was agitated and he was saying, 'shut down this Auschwitz,' " she said.
Dear unidentified man Mr. Derosia ,
If you are reading this, ask yourself "What would Jesus do?"
If the answer is "terrorise abortion clinics" you haven't read the Bible enough.
Cirno 9. Marukyuu
Sounds like a shoot first, ask questions later situation if ya ask me.
Not really. If he was still in the car and ramming the place, that'd be "shoot first, commit to secure psychiatric hospital if survives." A couple of cops could probably handle just a guy wandering about with a crucifix and shouting without even using batons, let alone firearms.
Not to be picky, but since I know that place and have donated -
St Paul, Minnesota
Wisconsin has way more fundies, I'd be surprised if a PP could survive there, but MN has its share thanks to the newest mega church w/ its own TV shows.
Serious question:
Do all Planned Parenthood clinics have nutters protesting outside? I'm due to spend an extended period of time in the USA, and my doctor (here in New Zealand) has told me that I need to go to a PP clinic to renew my prescription. The thought of having to deal with fundie forced-birthers is scaring me silly. (I mean, I might be tempted to beat them to death with a clue-bat.) Would I be better off making the long trek to Canada to get my meds?
Getting back on topic...
That SUV driver needs locking up and smacked over the head repeatedly with his own crucifix. Why do so many blokes think they have the right to dictate what women do with their bodies?
Not to mention, in his recklessness, had he considered in his mission to save the widdle babies that he could have killed someone?
What am I saying, of course he did. They're just evil sinners, though...
I think they should invent a special, long-lasting form of pepper spray for 'suppressive deterrence' on people like this.
A couple of months should do the trick.
Oh, wait. It doesn't. Anyway, how come this guy isn't ramming his SUV into all the institutions doing things actually condemned by the bible - say, eating shellfish or wearing clothing made of multiple fabrics?
@Zuzu- if you're going to be in the D.C. area, you should be fine. There's a clinic not too far from my school and the last time we had fundies was three years ago, and they didn't do anything except stand there with signs.
But if you're going to the Midwest (unless you're going to be in Chicago) or the South, you might want to be careful.
Solution: Ask him how many potential people he murders every time he jerks off.
Also god forbid anyone actually acknowledge that Planned Parenthood does other things, like give people access to birth control and valuable information about adoption, prenatal care and parenting.
Ha! I live in the Twin Cities area, and I'm going to this clinic tomorrow to make a donation just to spite them!
EDIT: Also, it's St. Paul, MN. Since we pride ourselves on knowledge here and everything.
I commented on a picture on DeviantArt that some guy made about abortions, asking if he really felt it was the government's place to forbid women from having abortions. He responded with some babble about Planned Parenthood being an evil organization and I forget what else. Don't these fucks realize that Planned Parenthood does a shitload of good things? They're not saying to kids "Oh go and fuck all you want, you can just get an abortion if you get knocked up." No, they provide condoms and INFORMATION about safe sex because they know that kids are gonna screw no matter what you tell them.
That said, why don't these douchebags go live in the shittier parts of India or Africa, because that's what the United States would be like if we didn't have the ideas that are behind Planned Parenthood.
Yeah, let's prove that ending a life is wrong by... endangering lives.
Ignoring the obvious crazy for a second: I really wish that these people would take the time to find out what Planned Parenthood actually does, instead of making assumptions based on equally clueless people's ranting. They prevent more unplanned pregnancies than any abstinence program does, they provide people of all ages, not just teenagers, with birth control/protection, and they counsel girls on ALL the options available to them if they become pregnant, never pushing anyone to have an abortion. What's more, they teach abstinence in conjuncture with safe sex, warning teenagers not to have sex until they're 100% certain that they're ready and are properly educated in the mechanics of reproduction. Thing is, PP isn't deluded enough to believe that kids won't have sex just because you tell them not to, so they also provide the students with info about contraceptives and whatnot. Teaching both abstinence and safe sex has results that are far more positive than abstinence-only programs.
These pro-life nut-jobs seems to think that PP tells kids it's okay to run around having unprotected sex because they can just have an abortion, which couldn't be further from the truth. If they knew about all the good the organization does, they wouldn't be so quick to condemn it.
We need more people like Mr. Derosia.
AFAIK the automobile industry is in a crisis, so, if there were more fundies driving their own vehicles into abortion clinics (damaging their vehicle beyond epair and requiring them to buy a new one) many jobs could be saved
(everything under the assumption, of course, that noone gets hurt and that the fundies are required to pay every costs that arise from the need to repair the damage to the building)
@ Old Viking
He drove his own SUV into the clinic? Fundy for sure.
First thought I had; Who's vehicle was it?
Aha! His mother's boyfriend's car, not his own.
Actually, Mrs. Antichrist, I don't know if PPs are the same everywhere, but in MN they are one of the only places you can get proper OB/GYN care if you don't have insurance. The only other choice is the free clinic downtown - not really the cleanest place and in a scary neighborhood to boot.
In MN PPs do a lot for both pregnant (and wanting to stay that way) and general women's health - like annual exams. BC is a smaller part of that and abortions are the tiniest of tiny fraction of what they do. And if you don't have insurance, they treat you like a human... something I found out first hand is something to be treasured.
the poor guy has a history of mental illness, so can't be held entirely responsible.
However the religious indoctrinators should reflect
the poor guy has a history of mental illness, so can't be held entirely responsible.
If the guy's not responsible for his actions, he probably shouldn't have been allowed to own or operate a vehicle so powerful and massive that it's classified as a light truck. In fact, based on this behaviour, I'd hesitate to trust him with a Vespa. You're right about religious indoctrination, though - one feels that, just as they should probably be stopped from drawing children into the fold before they've even learned critical thought, religions should also be prevented from preying on mentally weak or damaged adults.
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to my question about protesters outside Planned Parenthood clinics. I am relieved to hear that I won't need to add "Fight fundies" to my list of things to do in the USA.
Thanks again. I'm really looking forward to seeing your wonderful country... even if you have supposedly got the anti-christ for a president :-)
Read the story at the link above. The guy is utterly delusional - nine admissions to Psych facilities since 2004! He has a serious mental-health problem, yet will almost certainly be praised by the anti-abortion lobby as a "true crusader" for their cause. Says a lot about the mental health of those who oppose abortion.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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