I'm sure that the Palin's and Obama's both love their daughter's very much. But they have different views on the same issue: Obama said (at least, this is what I heard he said) that he doesn't want his daughter's to suffer with an unwanted pregnancy, espicially if it would result from rape.
The Palin's view is, I think, that ALL LIFE IS SACRED no matter how it gets to be.
While it's true that a fetus conceived from rape is no different than a fetus concieved from love (or teenage lust) neither is a baby. That's where I disagree with the Palins and holyspirited. Personally, I think it's up to the parents of the fetus to decide whether it should be aborted, raised or given up for adoption.
You know who else thinks that? My dad. When he was a young guy in his 20s, when the Abortian Issue came about, he thought that no baby should be gotten ridden of, since it was an unborn child.
Later, after he had had three children (two daughters included, one of them me) he decided that since having a baby was such a wonderful but exhausting thing to do, no one should do it unless they can raise them right and with love. Now he thinks it should be the woman's choice, since it's her body (or, if it's in reference to his daughters, my choice or my sisters')--and the father, of course, assuming he gives a shit.
Either way, he would still love and support me/us. That's the kind of environment you need to raise an unwanted child, not a just because it's moral thing to do.