“Masturbation is what I'd like to call, tormenting pleasure. The three second blissful orgasm achieved by masturbation is just as much tormenting as it is pleasurable.”
You only feel good for 3 seconds when you masturbate? That’s pathetic.
Maybe you’re using the wrong porn? Maybe you’re lying to yourself about blondes? Or Asians? Or women?
"Because God never created solo sex.”
Um… He created Adam alone in a society of animals. If masturbation wasn’t part of the plan, then bestiality was.
“Masturbation often promises the pleasure but can never fulfill your inward void.”
You definitely need to go to an adult bookstore. As the cashier for help finding what you need.
“And the many people that it has imprisoned by its non~threatening lure to satisfy your sexual desires, come to find that the trap is not worth the 3 seconds it took to get it.”
Yet to be trapped and I’ve been touching myself with impure thoughts for fifty years, including military deployments at sea.
"Trust me, I've been there, and I'd rather have cold, dry sheets than to fondle my self.”
You’ve never heard of protecing the sheets with a sock? Everyone on the sub had a patrol sock.
“Two things I've come to know about masturbation is this:
1. It brings shame, and...”
Dude, i’ve seen competitive masturbation. “First to come, wins, everyone else has to stop!”
“2. It is addictive”
Meh. It can be, but maybe that’s from all the effort to make it shameful?
“Most people who have engaged in masturbation know that the culmination of this sexual act ends in shame.”
Well, the Bible says not to do it at ALL, as lust in your head counts as adultery. Why would the ejaculation be the shameful part? THAT part’s just biology.
"I don't have to share with you the thousands of emails of the admittance of this shame because you know all too well since you have experienced it yourself.”
How many of those emails are actual shame, how many are people SAYING they feel shame because they think they ought to? I mean, there are two types of people: THose that masturbate, and those that lie about it.
“Curled up in a fetal position, crying, because your bed is even more empty and you're lonelier than you did before you violated yourself...”
I’ve never cried after masturbation.
And the only time i regreted it was when i made REALLY good time on the freeway and got home before i fihished.
“Because God never created sex so that you could gratify yourself.”
The bible doesn’t often give God’s motivations. You’re in no position to tell us what God was thinking.
"The dictionary defined masturbation as self abuse...”
Because that’s how society termed it when they wrote that entry. Doesn’t actually mean it’s abusive.
But, hey, maybe you HAVE a shame fetish? That’s why you only enjoy ejactulation? And then you linger over the shame?
"the miss use of yourself.”
Ooooh, good pun. Thinking of a miss, while masturbating myself… Nice.
“The mistreatment,”
AGAIN! Find YOUR fetish!
"the manipulation,”
Doyou think my right hand is trying to get better treatment from me than my left?
"the exploitation of YOU.”
it’s spelled EXPLORATION, idiot.