Gumby #fundie

You know, this getting really fucking old really fucking fast!!!! Volant keeps on asking me to provide certain scientific evidence to back up my claims while I am all the time appealing for him to use his common sense and logic!!!!!..So the question must be asked (for like the 100th fucking time!!): What life support system did these evolving i.e. developing organisms have? What kept them alive while their hearts, brains, lungs, ect. were still being constructed? These organisms didn't have the benefit of a nice cozy womb, no, they lived out there in a cruel dog rape cat world. Do you see what I'm getting at? No? Let me explain. Evolutionists want you to believe that evolving organisms with effectively no brain, no heart, no lungs, no kidneys i.e. no vital organs lived healthy and productive lives. Have you ever seen a guy with no brain, no heart, no lungs walking around, pinching woman's asses? NO! WHY? BECAUSE IT'S PHUCKING PHYSICALLY AND BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Understand?????? So until evolutionary scientists come up with a feasable explanation as to to how evolving life forms with non-functional vital organs managed to keep themselves alive and healthy for all those tens of millions of years, I will continue to say'You guys are full of shit!!!!!' Is common sense good enough Volant or will you still be requiring scientific evidence on what I've just said?



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