"ya know, science has time and time again proved evolution wrong."
Um, no, it doesn't.
"charles darwin himself stated that if one theory was proven wrong the whole thing was wrong."
No, he didn't. And evolution IS just one theory; despite what Hovind tells you, abiogenesis & the Big Bang are not part of the Theory of Evolution.
"well through the kent hovind videos and other videos this has infact been proven very wrong."
Again, no, it hasn't. Kent Hovind is a lying fraud with a fake degree from a diploma mill. He also doesn't use science, has no idea what the 'scientific method' is, and generally makes things up as he goes along.
"not to mention can some one show me a monkey that has turned into man lately."
Funny, that's not what evolution predicts. You see, an animal spontaneously metamorphosing into another animal, Pokemon-style, would be MAGIC. Y'know, that stuff Creationists believe in.
"see if this were true it would still be happening now before our very eyes and oh that is right its not."
I see you've learned how to argue like Hovind. Put words in your opponent's mouth, and then use the weakest argument you can find to refute those words. Brilliant.