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[This post lists the names, ages, and photos of many trans men and boys, as well as links to information about them.]
Large numbers of entire generations of future lesbians (like many you see in the WIT [Who Is Transitioning] posts) are being wiped out through transition. Many trans trending lesbians arent even getting a chance to come out as lesbian, to taste the beauty, uniqueness and wholly female onlyness that is lesbianism. Their lesbian camaraderie replaced amongst each other with an embarrassingly false sense of male camaraderie in the form of the masculine bro instead.
But sadder still are all the Wizard's behind the bedroom curtains dictating and enforcing transgender policy on our lesbian and gay youth! Long winded george washingtonesque windbags dressed like martha's penning policies that school officials, medical officials and psychiatric officials are being legally bound to gag gay/lesbian and other "gender non conformists" (the new trans label for any kid who doesnt run with the pack) with! Heterosexual males fetishizing THEIR perverted perceptions of female (constructed hyper femininity) enforcing THEIR warped version of the RIGHT way to PERFORM male and female in order to legitimise THEIR PARAPHILIA!
Men like [several trans women's names and photos are listed here] legally (re)ordering (after that nasty bit of feminism confused everything) constructed identities of our children based on long outdated sexist male systems of dress and behavior so that men [...] can feel normal while their cocks or in some cases whats left of them get hard rubbing up against girls/womens silk panties behind the backs of their wives and children!
If men never created the titanic chasms THEY needed between the sexes to secure dominance, ignore THEIR weaknesses and secure worship for their constant erections, PARAPHILIAS like the ones seen above never would have existed. And IF male paraphilia never existed or were suddenly removed, so to would transition and ALL notions and mentions of it!
But in the meantime, heterosexual paraphilic males ARE using gay and lesbian bodies to further THEIR inner porno flix, now playing at a school near you.