Anna Diehl #fundie

Maybe your father molested you. Maybe some creep raped you. Maybe a priest groped you. Maybe your mother made fun of your naked body. Maybe doctors experimented on you. Whatever happened, you need to recognize that there were two elements to the scenario: there were the middlemen, and there was the Mastermind. God is the Mastermind behind every event that happens on this earth. God is an extremely involved Creator. He controls the movement of every molecule in existence. Human beings did not assault you while God was vacationing in another universe. Demons didn’t overpower God long enough to stick it to you. God did not abandon you into the clutches of evil beings. God chooses and executes EVERY trial that enters our lives. He is WITH US in our trials—controlling their longevity and severity. Evil doesn’t rule this world, God does. These are critical truths that you will need to come to terms with if you are going to experience complete healing on this issue. Fixating your rage on humans is essentially a copout. The humans couldn’t have touched you without God’s help. Complete processing requires that we face the truth about what happened to us, and the truth is that God is involved in EVERY horrific thing that goes on down here. If this is news to you, we have a lot of material that can help you get a handle on this. Here are some articles to get you started:

Seeing God in Our Pain: Part 1
Seeing God in Our Pain, Part 2: Escaping the Trap of Misdirected Anger
Angry at God

You aren’t doing God or yourself any favors by downplaying His involvement in your crisis. Denial only causes us to get stalled and stuck. God wants an intimate relationship with you, and one of the prerequisites to forming a close bond with Him is for you to fully recognize and accept His total sovereignty over all things and His intimate involvement in every area of your life. It doesn’t matter what instruments God used to traumatize you. What matters is WHY He chose to put you through that experience. God always has a POSITIVE spiritual reason for putting us through hellish experiences on earth. Often we can’t see those reasons until we gain some distance from the actual experience. But the point is that GOD put you through this for the sake of drawing you and Him closer together in the long-term. Once you realize this, you can choose to become receptive to the positive lessons the Holy Spirit wants to bring out of this for you. God doesn’t hurt us just to smash us or permanently cripple us. He hurts us to force us away from paths that will harm us, to deepen our understanding of critical concepts, and to lay the groundwork for a deeper bond with Him. Processing past traumas is like slogging through a miserable swamp searching for treasures that are hidden in the muck. If you are willing to work with Him, God is going to help you locate the treasures that He has created in the muck for you. His goal is to move you through and out of the swamp. This is not a permanent stop. This is an experience you are passing through so that you can go on to greater things. God does not put us through pointless trials. Every trial is carefully created by Him to result in very positive spiritual benefits later on.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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