"This is a sign of the end times. God took away the legs of the serpent for tempting man into original sin.This is a sign that God has forgiven the serpent because he is getting ready to wind up this whole 'reality' experiment."
Or maybe proof of Evolution? Snakes have had enough of all that 'slithering on their belly' crap?. They've seen the lizards, and decided they want some of that leg action, so they're reevolving!
Who knows? Once the human genome has been fully explored, researched and explained, then we can - with gene therapy - customise ourselves! Give human evolution a boost. Give ourselves stronger legs (world records smashed as Usain Bolt mk.II does the 100m at 6.58 seconds?!), and arms. Bigger brains (and thus higher IQs?).
And longer lifespans. Mayhaps even immortality? That'd fuck up your whole 'Original Sin' thing, if people could live forever, as Adam & Eve did, pre-apple. And above all: Artificial Life (and even Artificial Intelligence). You know it'll happen one day. The inexorable march of progress is unstoppable. And you know what'll happen when they create true artificial life - with intelligence & sentience: Scientists will become God.
"This is a sign that God has forgiven the serpent because he is getting ready to wind up this whole 'reality' experiment."
The fact science has already created synthetic sperm, and the finding of all the overwhelming evidence for evolution etc, is a sign that scientists are getting ready to wind up this whole 'religion' experiment.