Jewels #fundie

Hello. I have a son who we named Ben. He is 10. Doctors diagnosed him with autism about 7 or so years ago.
Ben dosent talk. There have been peopel say they have heard him but i his mother only hear his voice box and little sounds coming forth not yet spoken words.Our church has prayed and is standing with us for his healing.
I am standing for Bens healing. I believe Jesus has already paid the price and that in the courts of heaven he is seen as HEALED. Jesus shed his blood long ago to heal this boy. Its already DONE. now th manifestation.
There is what seems like intervernce as i sense the enemy battling to keep Ben. I claim Ben for Jesus Christ. I believe and therefor i speak. BEN IS HEALED>
There are things that need prayed out. One that any intervence and confusion in his mind, prohibiting his understanding and learning be removed. That Ben will HEAR with clarity what is said to him and understand. There has been improvement in this area lately,
Also that Bens voice box wil lbe loosened and he will speak intelligent speech. In the past we have Ben suffered horrible fits. Prayer has gone out for Ben and he has being doing beautifully of late. We play christian music and even the spoken word in his room much of the time. Please pray as the Holy Spirit leads that all obstackles removed and Ben make the giant leap into speaking words. Also that his learning and understanding will acaclerate.... Please continue t to pray that peace and joy will acelarate inhis life to.
Standing for FULL Manifestaion of his healing. Jesus died to remove autism.... and set the captive free. Thats Ben!



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