i just had a random thought: satans job is to basically make us lose our faith. so, if we dont get enough water, we become dehydrated, and we might not even know it. dehydration makes us cranky and makes us feel crappy. so, is the lack of an urge to drink water satanic???? is that why it's so hard for americans to drink the average amount of water daily? whoa.....
I don't believe I've ever heard of that particular Satanic plot before. Usually, it's putting psychedelics in the drinking water rather than telling us not to drink it.
Besides, about half of Americans drink the average amount - or more - of water. It may not be the *recommended* amount, but that isn't what babydane said ...
This would make sense, except for a sensation called "thirst". But what if we couldn't always feel thirst? We were made in god's own image after all, which means... god is a satanist! Whoah, that's deep.
Since when a natural need is sin to the eyes of God????
Crap, I turned more stupid just for read this.
No. You see, the hypothalamus part of the brain senses the body needs some hydration, so it sends a signal to the throat and mouth to feel thirst, so we know we need to drink.
See the word "Satan" anywhere above?
satans job is to basically make us lose our faith. so, if we dont get enough water, we become dehydrated, and we might not even know it. dehydration makes us cranky and makes us feel crappy. so, is the lack of an urge to drink water satanic????
I think I understand now how some of the more bizarre religious practices and dogmas have gotten started over the years - they were based on this type of logic. ><
@ clockworkgirl21
... the hypothalamus part of the brain senses the body needs some hydration, so it sends a signal to the throat and mouth to feel thirst, so we know we need to drink.
See the word "Satan" anywhere above?
Reading between the lines I see "Science", and you know fundies and science...
Besides I solve the satanic water problem in my own way. >> BEER <<
Yep! That's about it! Please go chug away the devil! Chug until your eyes are floating! Then drink more!
(I seen people kill themselves by drinking too much water, don't tell her that though...)
The "average amount of water daily" is a modern health advisment. Most don't meet it because they're not thirsty.
The fact that many live into their 90s who never come close to 6 glasses a day proves it's not that critical, varies between people, and in the end is recommended, not absolute for survival.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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