Reading that particular page, the next post by Gabby here definitely nominates him for the 'Having Your Cake And Eating It' award:
"So what. What are you trying to do? Justify to me why I should be a slave for stupid technology?
First of all, your grandmother and my grandmother did not have these things and they managed just fine."
Gabby's grandmother probably underwent female circumcision. My grandmother didn't.
My grandmother didn't have a computer. And you don't eh, Gabby; what, you're posting on that forum via praying to Mecca, or what?! [/Fridge Logic]
(emphasis added):
"Is this dickhead actually claiming they walked on the moon, treated cancer, surfed the web, etc, centuries ago?"
(*Switches to Doug Piranha mode*):
Of course. How did you think that rock found it's way to the Kaaba in Mecca? It was Noor Allah-strong & Bismallah Al-drin who, via the NASSER flying carpet Al-pollo 11(69 AD), went to the moon, and was personally presented with such by Princess Luna, who loudly declared (in the 'Canterlot Voice') that 'The Fun has been Doubled!' [/"MLP:FiM"] X3