<img src="http://www.aineotheos.org/ban-BobS2.jpg " />
The cited Corinthians passage doesn't say that. It just says gays, and a lot of other popular hate groups, don't go to heaven. It doesn't say anything about a path out of homosexuality, which you claim to have.
"You don't have to be gay, you can choose to change."
From what I understand, er...no. Even if you 'chose' to change, I don't think that is going to flip your sexual orientation.
Reminds me of a movie where the pledge at a college was made to wear a hot dog outfit and yell, "ASK ME ABOUT MY WEINER!"
What, precisely, have American Eagles got to do with 'curing' homosexuals?
I think it's the whole "God and Country" thing.
I mean, "Kill a fag for Jesus" does have a nice ring to it and all, but "Kill a fag for George W. Bush" just adds that extra oomph.
They don´t have to be gay, or say, have a homosexual behaviour. You can, indeed, stop harrasing people, but you don´t. That´s they way it is.
Gaaah....and the quote says:
"6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, "
...and then it switches over to 10, which says:
"6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. "
...Puritans lived strictly by that. And they killed people strictly by that. Hell, they even mention revelers...dangit, why can't anyone have fun ?
Sounds like wherever the heck that banner came from likes oppression to me. I don't believe in worshipping a God that oppresses people / Mr. Paul. (I heard that part of the Bible's mistranslated, anyways...)
The nature of fundieism is to make the person fear themself.
Any mainstream psychologist will tell you sexuality is a spectrum, not a light switch.
Fundies really fail to see the logic in this. To admit you can change from homo to hetero implies you can also go from hetero to homo, hence, there is NO superiority in sexual tastes, which fundies scream up and down that there are.
I just can't understand why fundies are dumb enough to make this argument.
Dumb, dumb, dumb.
@Michie "Hell, they even mention revelers...dangit, why can't anyone have fun? "
Ones who revile, i.e. abuse or criticize someone or something bitterly or scornfully. Sounds like a certain type of person I could think of, actually.
To be fair, another translation has it thus:-
9 Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: Neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers:
10 Nor the effeminate nor liers with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor railers nor extortioners shall possess the kingdom of God.
So who is anyone here to claim this person has not had the experience he/she claims he had? Many of you get angry when a Christian claims "there are no ex-Christians; you were never Christian in the first place", claiming "Oh yes I was!" Who are you to then say that this person was NOT gay and is now heterosexually oriented? (Or to claim they are lying about themselves and merely in the closet now?) About the only thing you can bitch about with this one is that it proselytizes; and even that is pretty mild - it merely makes the statement that "I changed; if you want I will tell you how and if you want you can too." Big fucking deal. If someone WANTS to find out about this person's story and give it a shot for themselves, that's their own decision; MOST will not do so and that is also their decision. If they were saying "You MUST CHANGE" as opposed to "you can choose" I'd see the argument, but apart from that, again, big fucking deal.
You seem to have no qualms about lying or smearing people, but please don't lie about the whole of Puritans. They were not murderers. Puritanism never preached killing people. But it, like all Christian doctrines that have ever existed, has been used and abused by people who were missing the point. Since you are missing the point upon this particular subject, don't convince yourself or try to convince others that it, as a system of belief, encourages homicide of "sinners."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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