[Admin disclaimer: Dee, from RR, informs me this post is taken out of context, because it uses comments from another one of her posts (apparently, there was a quoting error). However, I cannot see where this is - Dee has been helpful and tried to point it out to me, but I feel dense for not being able to see it. I am taking Dee's word for granted, but I'm also reluctant to remove the post altogether or lose the comments, so I am making a compromise by including this disclaimer :)]
I have really been pondering this over the last few months. As I understand it, the rapture happens, then tribulation, then the final battle where Jesus descends to earth for the third time, to destroy evil. I was wondering where this battle happens, and if we get to fight alongside Jesus. I have this image in my head of me getting raptured and when I step into heaven Jesus asking me (and everyone else who steps into heaven) if I would like to fight alongside him, because if there ever was (or will) be a just war, this is it. I would consider it and honour to fight in that battle. Does it say anything in the bible about this?
If we do get to fight how will it work, will we become mortal for the battle, then if we die, are resuerected after it is over? because it wouldn't be much of a fight if we were all imortal. We could then bring a La-Z-Boy and a snack and maybe a good book and just relax and kill the enemy as they come near and not have to worry about being killed.
Hi there! Fundy from RR. I replied to this guy and you used part of my response....:-( You left out the part about me telling him not to run out and start taking Kung Fu lessons just yet. See Christians have a sense of humor too. Now being all serious. Mark my words...If you are alive when the Rapture happens and millions of people simultaneously disappear you might want to boogie on over to the Rapture Ready site and find out some things. Then you'll see we "crazy fundamentalist pre-trib Christians" weren't so crazy after all....or God forbid, you die before accepting Jesus....you'll be REAL surprised where you end up. Jesus really does love you. God Bless. P.S. for Comment #723 Jesus came to earth once 2000 years ago. He will not come to earth when the Rapture occurs...we will meet him in the air. His second coming is what I talked about in the partial post you guys put up. Thus He only comes to earth Twice. The other stuff hasn't happen yet that's why you can't get an episode recap.
I thought the second time might have been the holy spirit, but never mind.
"Then you'll see we "crazy fundamentalist pre-trib Christians" weren't so crazy after all....or God forbid, you die before accepting Jesus....you'll be REAL surprised where you end up."
So, fall on the ground and beg Jesus to forgive me my sins half an hour every day? Just like in the Jack Chick tracts?
Sounds good to me!
My apologies Dee, for the sarcasm.
To speak your language:
It's my journey, and people like yourself have done a better job of obfuscating the path than helping me down it.
I know Jesus loves me, and you're trying, but this post says "I'm gonna meet Jesus in Heaven and revel in the destruction of His enemies." One guy gets to make that call. And judging by hasek's hubris, he *might* have some 'splainin to do.
RE: #756 Maybe it was from another thread but this same guy said basically the same thing and I told him not to run out and start taking Kung Fu Lessons just yet. I promise I said it in my post. :-) In this one did he use the little fencing happy faces and boxing happy faces? Nope I looked on your link and here's my post in it's entirety.
First I don't Jesus will decend to the earth for the "third" time. During the Rapture we meet Him in the clouds so He never touches earch. His first coming was when He was born and crucified. His second coming comes at the end of the tribulation period. Basically there is no battle in the definition of battle as we know it. The battle has already been won. The anti-Christ's armies will be gathered in the valley of Megiddo, near Jerusalem, which is where we get the term Armageddon.
Those of us Raptured will be on white horses with HIM when HE descends, however, we won't fight. JESUS the WORD speaks the WORD. The WORD is a two edged sword. Each time HE speaks the remaining unbelievers are killed until only anti-Christ (indewlt by Satan himself) and his two cohorts remain. The Bible says blood will flow as a river waist high.
We do not have to fight because, as I said, the battle has already been won. All MESSIAH JESUS has to do is speak.
So you don't need to run out and start taking Kung Fu lessons just yet.
I agree with the other poster, you need to read Revelation but also Daniel, Ezekial, Jeremiah, and Isaiah....if you have a chain reference Bible it would help. You could then follow the chain.
The culmination of the prophecies made by the Old Testament prophets are found in Revelation. If you really want to understand you need to also read some of those.
I would also recommend some of Hal Lindsey's books. His website is:
Book : Planet Earth the Final Chapter
Book: The Everlasting Roots of Jihad
Book: Vanished into Thin Air
Book: Faith for Earth's Final Hour
Book: Apocolypse Code **** (Helps with a clear understanding of Rev)
Book: Late Great Planet Earth (Old book but still good)
As far as I'm concerned Hal Lindsey is a GIANT regarding Biblical and End Times prophecies.
Also you can get Tim Lahay & Jerry B. Jenkins book "Are We Living in the End Times?"
If you can't find these in your book store you can order Hal's books on his site or you can go to Amazon.com and order used books in their market place. I've done this a lot and gotten great looking books at half the bookstore price." End of post.
Check out paragraph 4. :-)
God bless.
#802 & #809 Nope, the Second Coming is Jesus in the flesh and that takes place at the end of the 7 year tribulation period. When the Rapture occurs we all meet Him in the clouds (whether this is literally the clouds, space or what I'm not sure). He does not come to earth and it's not the Holy Spirit.
And no you don't have to fall on your face to Jesus every five minutes. You just have to REALLY believe He is the only begotten Son of God, that He was God Incarnate on Earth, that He was crucified for our sins, that He rose on the third day and sits at the right hand of the Father. You have to be truly repentent, confess that Jesus is Lord and try to live a Christ-like life, i.e. love your neighbors as yourself etc. Since it's impossible for us not to sin we pray and ask for forgiveness.
There's no specifics about how often that is to be done. I generally pray in the morning when I get up and at night right before bed. Sometimes I pray during the day if the need arises, i.e. I'm driving down the Interstate and see a bad wreck I'll pray that no one got seriously hurt and pray for the people involved and their family etc. Or if I'm on the Net and reading stuff like Michael Yon's online mag (he's in Iraq) and does dispatches from Mosul. I feel as if I've gotten to know the soldiers through his website. If one is killed I will pray. I pray for Michael and the unit he's embedded with, Deuce Four Stryker Brigade unit every day. Also pray for our troops and innocent Iraqi civilians every day. Most of that though is in my morning and/or evening prayer. I have fibromyalgia and some other disabilities and have bad fibromyalgia related migraines so if I have a really bad one I'll be praying every second.
:-) Then I end up in the ER looking like a wild woman demanding drugs. But no I don't fall on my face every five minutes....I'd look a mess with my face busted up all like that :-) Plus it would cause a fibro flareup and I'd end up in bed and not be able to get out to fall on my face anyhow. LOL
Thank you for your apology re: the sarcasm. I also apologize on behalf of any Christian who has obfuscated your path. We are instructed in the Bible by Jesus not to be stumbling blocks, i.e. what you said in your post.
That's why when I witness about Jesus I do so and try not to shove it down their throats. That turns me off so I figure it will them as well. If they can't come to a decision then we just agree to disagree. Same way I do with my Democrat friends. :-) We have a standing rule NEVER to discuss politics. Although I don't personally know any atheists, if I had one as a friend we'd have a rule not to discuss RELIGION too. I have several gay friends. Our rules are not to discuss the "political" gay issues.
They are both fine women and I don't have a problem with them showing affecton around me, i.e. holding hands, or a quick kiss or a hug. I don't want to know what they do in their bedrooms just as I don't want them to know what me and my hubby do. Just so you know I have an equal problem with straight couples frenching and feeling each other up in public....just not seemly, especially here in the south. Fiddle de de, assaults our delicate sensibilities ya know? ;-)
The guy who did the post is obviously not well informed. When I'm Raputured, either if I'm alive or dead...the dead in Christ are Raptured first then the living. When Jesus comes back to send the anti-christ (indwelt by Satan) to hell and his armies and the unbelievers are killed and are thrown into the lake of fire, I'm sure I won't revel in it or like it. I know I wouldn't today and I'm a human sinner. By then I will have a new body and be a whole lot holier (like my play on words? :-) than I am now so, no I don't think I will revel in it. I don't think anyone should. That's why I pray for those who don't believe and tell my fellow Christians who play that card that it's not Christ-like.
God Bless
Yahweh, Okay here's the link:http://www.rr-bb.com/showthread.php?p=2653998#post2653998
Original Post by hasek86: "Final Battle
Sorry if these questions seem ignorant, but I have really been pondering this over the last few months. As I understand it, the rapture happens, then tribulation, then the final battle where Jesus descends to earth for the third time, to destroy evil. I was wondering where this battle happens, and if we get to fight alongside Jesus. I have this image in my head of me getting raptured and when I step into heaven Jesus asking me (and everyone else who steps into heaven) if I would like to fight alongside him, because if there ever was (or will) be a just war, this is it. I would consider it and honour to fight in that battle. Does it say anything in the bible about this?
If we do get to fight how will it work, will we become mortal for the battle, then if we die, are resuerected after it is over? because it wouldn't be much of a fight if we were all imortal. We could then bring a La-Z-Boy and a snack and maybe a good book and just relax and kill the enemy as they come near and not have to worry about being killed. That senerio doesn't seem to make much sense. Again I appolagize if these are dumb questions.
"Some were thought brave, because they were afraid to run away" End of hasek86 post
d.beebe response to hasek86 quotes hasek86's post in it's entirety then I say in my response post to him: "First I don't Jesus will decend to the earth for the "third" time. During the Rapture we meet Him in the clouds so He never touches earch. His first coming was when He was born and crucified. His second coming comes at the end of the tribulation period. Basically there is no battle in the definition of battle as we know it. The battle has already been won. The anti-Christ's armies will be gathered in the valley of Megiddo, near Jerusalem, which is where we get the term Armageddon.
Those of us Raptured will be on white horses with HIM when HE descends, however, we won't fight. JESUS the WORD speaks the WORD. The WORD is a two edged sword. Each time HE speaks the remaining unbelievers are killed until only anti-Christ (indewlt by Satan himself) and his two cohorts remain. The Bible says blood will flow as a river waist high.
We do not have to fight because, as I said, the battle has already been won. All MESSIAH JESUS has to do is speak.
*****So you don't need to run out and start taking Kung Fu lessons just yet.*****
I agree with the other poster, you need to read Revelation but also Daniel, Ezekial, Jeremiah, and Isaiah....if you have a chain reference Bible it would help. You could then follow the chain.
The culmination of the prophecies made by the Old Testament prophets are found in Revelation. If you really want to understand you need to also read some of those.
I would also recommend some of Hal Lindsey's books. His website is:
Book : Planet Earth the Final Chapter
Book: The Everlasting Roots of Jihad
Book: Vanished into Thin Air
Book: Faith for Earth's Final Hour
Book: Apocolypse Code **** (Helps with a clear understanding of Rev)
Book: Late Great Planet Earth (Old book but still good)
As far as I'm concerned Hal Lindsey is a GIANT regarding Biblical and End Times prophecies.
Also you can get Tim Lahay & Jerry B. Jenkins book "Are We Living in the End Times?"
If you can't find these in your book store you can order Hal's books on his site or you can go to Amazon.com and order used books in their market place. I've done this a lot and gotten great looking books at half the bookstore price." End of Dee's post.
Check out paragraph 4 of my response to hasek86 I definitely say don't go out and start taking Kung Fu Lessons yet. I inserted asteriks before and after my Kung Fu line.
I could tell the guy is not well informed by his original post. I always quote the original post of whoever I'm responding to so even if those words from hasek86 was in my post it was not DEE saying them it was me quoting hasek86. I think his post is wrong and would NEVER say anything remotely silly like that.
Listen 'Dee', what makes you so sure that your religion is right and everyone else's is wrong? Some book that was written by a hundred different people thousands of years ago and transcribed hundreds of times so the original text is by far lost? What if the end of the world comes in the form of the Norse Ragnarok, instead of the Christian version, and all Christians go to hell? Or, much more likely, what if NOTHING HAPPENS and your religion is just BS?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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