jesus lizard #fundie

There is a lot of demonic influences in the Evangelical movement.
Being able to control people and force your will on them is Witchcraft.
The Evangelical movement is obsessed with Money.
You cannot serve God and Mammon.
Trump is a worshipper of the Golden Calf.
TheIsraelites were told to destroy the Calf, grind it up and put it into their water, and all had to drink from it. They poisoned their bodies with their greed for Money£€$
Does this remind you of the things which are happenning today with food additives, aspartame etc?
It is greed and love of Money.

Donald Trump controls the prodtitution industry in Las Vegas. His hotels are hot beds for high class hoes, they charge up to $10,000 per night. Some are famous people, pop stars etc, mind controlled slaves of the elite, like Britney, Katy Perry, Barbra Streisand. It is part of the deal, why they are rich and famous, they have to be 'private dancers' for politicians and oil tycoons. Tina Turner had a song about this because it happened to her after her husband (Ike, MK Ultra handler) died.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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