So we are all here (In theory) by accident?
Is the earth an accident?
Is the internet an accident?
Is this Blog an accident?
So if there is not a creator would not everything have to be an accident? How to calculate the odds that the words on this blog were an accident of the big bang.
So what? The odds of winning the lottery are pretty dire and yet, somebody wins every few weeks.
So, yes, everything can happen, if given enough opportunities.
"So if there is not a creator would not everything have to be an accident?"
No and yes (except for everything created by we humans as a result of the cosmic accident* that ultimately resulted in us). And in that order. After all, you must ask yourself one simple, but beliefs-destroying question:
Who created God?
[/Cosmological Fallacy] [/Watchmaker Fallacy]
*- 'We are all made of Star Stuff'
-Carl Sagan
"So we are all here (In theory) by accident? "
No we are all here (In theory of evolution) by mutation and natural selection.
"So if there is not a creator would not everything have to be an accident?"
So your creator came into existence by accident?
"Is this Blog an accident? "
It looks very similar to monkeys typing randomly on a typewriter.
If you start from the position that the big bang existed, the chances of your words being a consequence would be 1, because here you are, dribbling over your keyboard.
Its like saying, if i won the lottery, what are the chances my win is a consequence of the lottery being drawn.
And if it didn't happen we wouldn't be here talking about it.
Ergo for our own world it had to happen. There's no iron law of the Universe that things of low probability can not happen. In fact if things of low probability never happened it would mean that it wasn't really low probability but none.
Typical brain-damaged nuggets of idiocy from the typical Creationist.
Are tornadoes accidents? Not in the sense you mean, they are a natural occurrence with no thinking behind them. The same for earthquakes, snow storms, supernovas, and planetary formation.
You see a creator where there is none, and can't tell the difference between man-made things and natural phenomena.
Are mutations random? Yes.
Is natural selection random? NOOOOOOOOO!
Sheesh, it's like you guys are deliberately misrepresenting the theory of evolution. But you wouldn't stoop so low as to make a strawman argument, would you? No, of course not....
How to calculate the odds that the words on this blog were an accident of the big bang.
The odds are 1:1 because the words have already been typed. Once something has happened, it's a certainty.
"How to calculate the odds that the words on this blog were an accident of the big bang."
Well, the very fact our universe exists, coupled with the fact that scientists at CERN were able - via finding the Higgs-Boson - to confirm the Standard Model that already existed on paper , I'd say that you wouldn't need the supercomputers at the place in Geneva that is home to the Large Hadron Collider (nor those of the various meteorological agencies that daily crunch & churn out the many terabytes of data used to process the savage Chaos Theory mathematics involved in, say, predicting tornadoes appearing in the US), nor your home computer, or even a calculator, to figure out that the odds are better than 1:1.
...unlike, say, for Biblical Creation. Now, what are the odds of you finding a talking snake, Vann? C'mon, chop-chop! Those reptiles with vocal abilities won't search for themselves, you know! After all, your 'Bible' - which you fundies claim to be fact , seeing as it's the 'Word of God', and your 'God' created everything , No Exceptions - states that talking snakes exist .
If by "accident" you mean "without a purpose imposed on us from some higher authority", then yes. We, the earth, the universe, and everything in it are not here by design.
Well, many discoveries, including internet,were a kind of 'accident', or I'd say coincidence. This blog?, hard to say, looking at the intelectual level of some of the contributors.
If you stand at one face of Mt. Improbable and look up it, the climb looks impossible. You will never get there.
But go around to the other side, and you find that you can in fact reach that solution through incredibly easy steps.
People are bad at understanding probability. The odds that four coins flipped together will all come up heads is low when you consider the whole mess together. It's 1/16. But if you consider each coin individually, then each coin has a 1/2 chance of coming up heads, and nothing can change that. If we flipped the coins sequentially, there would be no change in the chance; if the first three coins came up heads, there is a 1/2 chance that the fourth coin will come up heads, not a 1/16 chance.
I don't understand why it has to be reduced to an "accident" other than to make the existence of life seem less likely without a creator for the purpose of an argument.
What exists, exists because the conditions were right for it to happen. Why? I don't know why. It happened because it did. It doesn't sound any less silly than an omnipotent being whose origins are just as unclear creating it to worship him because for some reason you think an entity of that kind of immense power would apparently be a jealous, petty creature.
Yes, how WOULD you calculate the odds? Please, explain that calculation, in detail.
It would be impossible to calculate the odds (not to be read that the "odds are impossible")) since you don't have any other universes where these things didn't happen. You couldn't say "in 5 of 6 universes, earth didn't happen" for example, without 5 other example universes where you can prove that earth doesn't exist, and since we only have this one universe, and this one earth, well, you cannot possibly calculate the odds.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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