(A review of James Earl Jones reads the Bible)
James Earl Jones should stick with Darth Vader
I was excited to get this CD set, since I know James Earl Jones has a great set of pipes, and I have listened so much to Alexander Scourby's reading of the Bible that I was ready for a new reading. I was disappointed the first time I listened. Jones does not use inflection while he reads; the result is that the words sound lifeless. As a Christian believer, that abhors me.
But more than his lifeless reading, I am apalled at Jones' changing of the text. He is reading the King James Version, but he changes the words at will. For example, the text will read "Christ Jesus" and Jones will read "Jesus Christ." I counted 21 errors in his reading of the Book of Ephesians alone. If you believe, as I do, in the divine inspiration of the Word of God, you will not be able to stand how Jones imposes his own changes to the text without any textual or scriptural justification. Jones should stick with Darth Vader.
he does realize that there is more than one version, even of KjV?
My family alone owns 7 different bible translations, three of them ostensibly by Luther, but all different.
Should have gotten Gilbert Gottfried to do it instead.
For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh
is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like
the issue of horses. Oooh yeah, baby, Oooooo yeah.
And how does Vance know this? I thought the purpose of buying a version of the bible being read is so that you can listen to it.
Is Vance following along with his KJV, hoping that JE Jones will help him with the hard words?
How about an audiobook version of the Bible by Dave Prowse?
He actually plays Darth Vader, so enjoy your Q JV in a West Country accent, Vance Picknits.
Mufasa (James Earl Jones): 'Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.'
Young Simba (Jonathan Taylor Thomas): 'But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope?
Mufasa: 'Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass, and the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life.'
Ah, they don't make lines like that any more. Almost Shakespearean, that. And unless Disney were to make a "Lion King" prequel , you won't hear James Earl Jones performing with such credibility & gravitas .
Wow! This guy's really anal about these things, isn't he?
"Christ Jesus"...."Jesus Christ"....WHAT THE SAM HILL'S THE DIFFERENCE?!
And he's complaining about James Earl Jones' voice! Jones....along with Morgan Freemam and the late movie announcer-guy, Don LaFontaine....could make a recitation of a recipe for 7-layer-bean-dip sound epic!
In a woooorrrrrld in which Morgan Freeman made Darth Vader some 7-Layer-Bean-Dip....
I wonder if there are idiots who complain about the Star Wars prequels due to the sage Jedi Master, Mace Windu, not suddenly busting out with, "I HAVE HAD IT WITH THESE MUTHAFUKIN' SITH IN THIS MUTHAFUKIN' JEDI TEMPLE!"?
"Jones should stick with Darth Vader."
I agree! Because the voice of the dreaded Dark Lord of the Sith is waaaaay to epic and awesome to be used in something as trivial as reading such a book.
Especially when nitpicking a*holes like you can't even appreciate such a majestic thing.
Seriously, you're nitpicking sooo much even Cinemasins would tell you you're overdoing it.
@ Person
Yeah! Also; Kylo Ren having a light-saber temper tantrum on this guy's face!...
(Pretend that console is Vance's face.)
Forget turning an ENTIRE PLANET into "Death Star 3.0"....I'll bet most of the First Order's budget REALLY goes towards replacing stuff that Kylo trashes....
...."I'm getting too old for this Bantha Fodder."
Many a facepalm to be had by Hux, here. Most of his time is probably spent accounting for repair funds.
@ Some Guy Passing Through
Ok it has been pointed out that there are different versions of the KJV, but also consider audio glitches, editing, and simple human error.
God forbid that a book, written thousands of years ago, translated into English 100s of years ago, then, in modern times read by a person, translated into speech in the brain, and then spoken aloud, recorded through audio equipment, then edited down from multiple takes, formatted onto a disc and then transported to your home has any blemishes whatsoever.
> Meh'd. I'm with WatcherAzazel on this one, if you pay for a a KJV you should get a KJV, not an approximation of it.
I'd like to see any human being read a book as long as the Bible, attempt to do it in a natural-sounding way, and not accidentally switch it into modern English from time to time.
One of my history teachers in high school had an extra-credit part of an exam where we recited the preamble of the US Constitution. We were not expected to recall the capitalization.
You know, I can be a bit annoyed when I buy an audiobook and I realize that the reader sounds very flat.
Claiming that a voice actor is engaging in deliberate heresy, however, is probably the funniest thing I've seen all morning.
Star Wars is feminist anti-masturbation propaganda. The Jedi, the race of humans with Mary Sue magical powers, are supposed to be perfect, and part of their perfection is abstinence. This includes not masturbating, as it is emotional. I'd say that being a victim of Star Wars' pro-chastity message is worse than getting Jesus Christ spelled wrong.
James Earl didn't say "Jeeeeesuuus" as reverently and in awe as we do.
He didn't start with "The Hoooly Biiible" in whispered tones. I know they like that approach down South, call in shows are a hoot for that over the top magical pronouncing. Like How Doug Henning and other magicians used to say "Maaagic".
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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