"If you want to teach kids the TRUTH, teach them the most scientific FACTS, that appear in the Bible, when it comes to Creation & for God's sake, ( and our souls' sake ) let's do away with the THEORY of Evolution !"
The only way you personally can do that, is to take up arms(!) and overthrow the government by taking over the White House, Capitol Building & Supreme Court, then tear up that nasty ol' Constitution. It's the only way you'll overturn Kitzmiller vs. Dover.
...but good luck with that, StuporDaveOneBornEveryMinute. [/hyper-sarcasm]
"You stupid Evolving People; if you'd ONLY take the time to carefully examine the facts of God's Word, and then compare them to the most advanced discoveries, you would realize that this is TRULY God speaking to us !"
As a Conservative Christian, Judge John E. Jones III did exactly that. But he had to put his 'beliefs' aside when he made his final decision in Kitzmiller vs. Dover, instead, considering the facts put before him. And those presented by the defence were found wanting, if not laughed out of court; two words: 'cdesign proponentsists'. Thus he had no choice but to find in favour of the plaintiffs. Thus making the teaching of 'Intelligent Design' (a.k.a. Creationism by Stealth) illegal in all accredited educational establishments in the US. It's the law, as per the US Constitution. Evolution is fact. Creationism is lies. The law says so. Deal with it.
"ONE EXAMPLE IS: In the Book Of Isaiah, God tells us how His Spirit goes "round & round the world" and this was penned 400 years BEFORE Kopernikus discovered that world was round, and not flat, as most believed at the time, etc."
Never mind what a bloke called Copperknickers once said, post-Kitzmiller vs. Dover, as far as I'm concerned, the Book of Isaiah refers to the story written by Alan Bleasdale in the TV comedy series "Scully"; one of the characters being a policeman who - due to a scar resuting from once being 'bottled' in the face, his nickname is 'Isaiah': because 'one eye's higher' than the other!