[Why, in Leviticus the original 'law's was slavery not abolished?]
Because Slavery is not a sin. Slavery sets a paradigm for the believer. One must become a slave to God. To be a proper slave one must understand the concept of slavery. Therefore we must have a biblical example/understanding of what a slave is.
A tent commander's paradise (or how to attain a deep spirituality and oneness with the cosmos):-
1 x herd of camels,
1 x herd of women,
1 x pair of goat-shit encrusted sandals,
1 x straggly beard,
1 x lack of education,
1 x deep-seated ignorance,
1 x malevolent-sky fairy,
and as many as possible x slaves.
This is literally the same rationale that Southern slaveowners used to justify slavery in the first place. So horribly mistreating people and not even respecting their basic dignity is OK, Drich? DIAF. Ordinarily, I don't really mean it, but I'm willing to make an exception in your case.
Well, it's your turn to be a slave. I'm sure you'll gladly accept this Godly lesson of humility, right? I mean, we need to set your paradigm as a believer. You need to properly understand what it will be like to be our slave.
Because Slavery is not a sin. Slavery sets a paradigm for the believer. One must become a slave to God.
Those are three GREAT reasons not be a believer. Thanks.
To be a proper slave one must understand the concept of slavery.
Please define what you mean by a "proper slave".
Therefore we must have a biblical example/understanding of what a slave is.
I have a "biblical" understanding of what a slave is--I can read the Bible, the same as you.
What I'm having trouble understanding--and I've yet to meet a believer with an adequate answer to this--is why something so obviously immoral gets a pass by a being that supposedly has a "perfect" morality.
Next step up on the ladder of spiritual enlightenment: Drooling Zombie!
Being a slave is not a sin. Owning slaves ....
Slaves are property, and historically, rather expensive property.
Q: How do I get to heaven?
Jesus: Sell everything you have and follow me.
Jesus: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven.
According to your cherry-picked, contradictory book, your argument fails.
So, what you're saying is that in order be a believer one must become a slave to god and be beaten, poorly feed, forced to work long hours of hard labor, and live in squalid conditions? Your god is a douche at the very least.
Huh...finally someone other then me actually said this. I've been saying it for years that the Church calling followers "servants" of god was just a fancy way of saying "slave". Though the shocking thing is this guy wants to be a slave to God willingly. Not the willing slave part, there's an entire subculture built around that...but the to God part. He seems like a very abusive master with his wiping out entire peoples, various scare tactics, and very harsh punishments. I mean, the guy once turned one of his "slaves" into a pile of salt for turning to look back at something. Sure not someone I'd ever call master.
@ emau99
"What I'm having trouble understanding--and I've yet to meet a believer with an adequate answer to this--is why something so obviously immoral gets a pass by a being that supposedly has a "perfect" morality. "
You cannot fathom the abyss of infinite justification represented by "Gawd works in mysterious ways. How can a mere human assume what is truly moral? Gawd always knows better than us"
You know, I'm surprised we haven't had a quote like this earlier. Christianity (at least the fundified version) is a lot like slavery. You turn to Jesus, admit you're a horrible person for not following him, and give your life to him. Otherwise, you have eternal torture in the afterlife to look forward to.
With that said, fuck you Drich. You're scum.
At least this person is honest about what the Bible says about slavery. Usually, believers insist that those passages need to be "interpreted correctly" to mean pretty much the opposite of what they say. Oddly enough, the parts that they like never need to be "interpreted correctly."
So... god allowed (allows?) slavery purely as an example of the relationship he wants with us?
There is no part of that which sounds even slightly like a good idea. If I thought god had the remotest possibility of existing, I'd devote all my energies to see that he stopped.
That you could say this and not be sickened disgusts me.
So you need your holy book to condone slavery so that you can understand what it is?
P.S. If slavery is not a sin, that means your God, who is offended by mixing fibers and eating shellfish, is not offended by slavery. Your God is an a**hole.
Congratulations, you have admitted what I've always said about Christianity, you are literally slaves to your god.
Now the next question is, why the fuck did you think this was a good sales pitch to make to atheists, people who abhor slavery in all forms?
To be a proper slave one must understand the concept of slavery.
You think the Southern cotton plantation owners needed a stint as a slave to know what one was? All they needed was a whip and a gun and a field of cotton to be picked.
One must become a slave to God.
If God is omnipotent, do you have a choice? I mean, when the Africans were dragged over to the US in chains and the white guy had the whip and the gun, do you think the African said "gee, shall I become a slave and pick cotton or shall I get marched out at gunpoint, publicly beaten and then hanged? Wow. Tough choice."
Maybe when I move up ranks in the Sex Police I'll get a proper slave, ooooops, Assitant, I mean assistant!
Oh for the love of Krishna.
You are to be slave of God in the sense that you see GOD in everything and to respect the worth in everything.
If you where truly that enlightened you would automatically know that slavery is a great evil because respecting life is sacred, dumbass.
Alright. You can start by taking out my garbage, and then you can scrub the toilet, and then you can mop the floor, and don't start with that, "I don't do windows" stuff, slave, or God will punish you.
What an interesting supreme and eternal being.
He wants to be praised all day, he wants slaves, he wants sacrifices brought to him on an altar, the "blood of the lamb" to be shed for him, he demands that all his creations follow some stupid petty rules he thought up, ...
Sounds more like the whacky dictator in Woody Allen's film "Bananas".
"[Why, in Leviticus the original 'law's was slavery not abolished?]
Because Slavery is not a sin. Slavery sets a paradigm for the believer. One must become a slave to God. To be a proper slave one must understand the concept of slavery. Therefore we must have a biblical example/understanding of what a slave is."
Seriously go fuck yourself.
Really? Then I guess you won't mind if I kidnap you, shove you in the trunk of my Prius, take you to my house, and force you to do my chores
@Dynamic Dragon
I guess you won't mind if I kidnap you, shove you in the trunk of my Prius, take you to my house, and force you to do my chores
If you're willing to wear a Wonder Woman costume, I could be down with this.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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