Dan #fundie christiananswers.net
[regarding Avatar]
Negative - This in 3D is incredible greatest eye experience in moves ever. But the crowd's don't comprehend the point of this move is the destruction of what truth. Gaia Worship is what at the heart of this move. Gaia Worship the modern vision of Pagan Religion and the Green movement,Global warming all related to each other. Avatar's planet Pandora is always called mother their God. Also, Liberal overtones like the military bad. Also they have the military calling the Avatar peoples as terrorist which is another liberal way of saying in the real world the military calls good people terrorist. The move used the term shock and awe and we know that term related to President Bush. Those that don't understand the truth of scripture lack knownledge to see truth and a lie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
—Dan, age 50 (USA)