Bro. Randy #fundie

[Are you implying that no one ever gets abused, raped, harrassed or molested in church? A friend of mine was obediant to her parents, the churches rules and officials-to the point where she never cried out for help or told anyone for years after the fact. To say that anyone is ever truely safe blindly obeying those in power above them is fallacy, just thought i'd throw that thought out there. I get kinda agitated when someone mentions that "they woulda been safe in church."]

No, I am not saying that just being in church makes you safe. I think the Roman Church has fairly well proven that to be a fact. Don't get me wrong here - there are too many cases of abuse in IFB churches too. My point is that being in GOD's WILL brings the protection of the Lord. It does not mean that nothing will happen to try us, it only means that whatever happens will be under the control of the Lord. In this girl's case, I can say with certanity that if she would have stayed at church, as she was supposed to, she would not have been raped that night.



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