[Are you implying that no one ever gets abused, raped, harrassed or molested in church? A friend of mine was obediant to her parents, the churches rules and officials-to the point where she never cried out for help or told anyone for years after the fact. To say that anyone is ever truely safe blindly obeying those in power above them is fallacy, just thought i'd throw that thought out there. I get kinda agitated when someone mentions that "they woulda been safe in church."]
No, I am not saying that just being in church makes you safe. I think the Roman Church has fairly well proven that to be a fact. Don't get me wrong here - there are too many cases of abuse in IFB churches too. My point is that being in GOD's WILL brings the protection of the Lord. It does not mean that nothing will happen to try us, it only means that whatever happens will be under the control of the Lord. In this girl's case, I can say with certanity that if she would have stayed at church, as she was supposed to, she would not have been raped that night.
In medieval Europe and England, ringing the church bell could be a hazardous occupation. During thunderstorms, it was general practice to ring church bells violently in an effort to keep the lightning from striking the tall church spire. Some felt the clamor of the bells dispersed evil spirits that sought to destroy the church with fire; others claimed that the noise of the bells disrupted the lightning strokes. (The second reason explains the common inscription on medieval bells: Fulgura Frango. which means "I break up the lightning flashes."). During the years from 1753 to 1786, lightning struck 386 French church towers. Lightning running down the bell ropes killed 103 French bell ringers. In 1786, the French government finally outlawed the custom.
During the eighteenth century, church vaults were often used to store large quantities of gunpowder. The combination of a high steeple and explosive contents often proved dangerous. In 1769, a lightning bolt struck the tower of St. Nazaire in Brescia, where 100 tons of gunpowder were stored. The resulting explosion destroyed one-sixth of the city and killed 3000 people. Lightning-induced explosions of stored gunpowder continued through the 1800's. As late as 1856, lightning struck the church of St. Jean on the island of Rhodes, the powder stored in the vaults exploded, and 4000 were killed.
From: http://www.exploratorium.edu/ronh/weather/weather.html
"whatever happens will be under the control of the Lord."
and this would be the out of control Lord.
And if she'd never gone to the church at all that night, she wouldn't have been raped that night either. It's all too easy to say in hindsight that she should've done something different, but it's impossible to predict the future, especially when it comes to random acts of violence. Stop being such a know-it-all piece of shit.
"My point is that being in GOD's WILL brings the protection of the Lord."
Well, so much for God-given free will.
But Fuehrer Randy has made it quite clear already that he considers independence of thought or action evil -- at least when it comes to a thought or action independent of his OWN will.
~David D.G.
Serves her right for bein' all sexy and stuff.. *dripping with sarcasm*
You know, I haven't been posting here long, so maybe I haven't seen his full body of work, so to speak, but I feel pretty safe in saying Bro. Randy needs to be beaten. Badly. Repeatedly.
Yes, Bro. R., I bet rape IS a trying experience. What the hell good is the protection of the Lord, if he still allows one to be raped?
A little jab at the catholics too. Randy, is there anyone you DO like?
So to be under the "protection" and "control" of the lord, doesn't rule out a violent sexual act?
In fact, if I'm reading you correctly, god made that rape happen.
So if the rapist gets caught he just needs to tell the judge, "It wasn't the devil that made me do it your honour, GOD made me do it."
You and your god can take a flying leap into a wood chipper.
In this girl's case, I can say with certanity that if she would have stayed at church, as she was supposed to, she would not have been raped that night.
20/20 hindsight makes this so easy, doesn't it?
Yes and if she stopped to tie her shoe laces she might've missed the rapists by a few seconds...Idiot. It's completely random chance and what would've worked to change the series of events in her case doesn't work for others. People get raped simply walking home from the library. Does that mean they should fail their classes and stay home with their parents forever? People have to live their lives and they can't live in fear of what might happen nor can they predict when and where it might happen, so you can't analyze every little thing to death. Btw, for your example there are probably thousands of girls who were in a similiar situation and were just fine.
In this girl's case, I can say with certanity that if she would have stayed at church, as she was supposed to, she would not have been raped that night.
Maybe not that night, but we all know Bro. Randy would have gotten to her sooner or later.
You know, I haven't been posting here long, so maybe I haven't seen his full body of work, so to speak, but I feel pretty safe in saying Bro. Randy needs to be beaten. Badly. Repeatedly.
That's a pretty safe estimation, yes. The main question is what to use to do the beating. Personally I hesitate between the bat with nails, the cattle prod and the red-hot poker.
Well, and if she were in her home and not 100 meters around the church. And if the predator WAITED, until she went out of the church?. Couldn´t it be COINCIDENCE?. Don´t bring the concept of God´s will, because 5 lines afterwards you repeat the same argument and it is disputable. Of course, and if the guy wouldn´t have been pestering in a church, she wouldn´t either. Stupid fallacy.
"No, I am not saying that just being in church makes you safe."
"In this girl's case, I can say with certanity that if she would have stayed at church, as she was supposed to, she would not have been raped that night."
I am confused. Does church make you rape proof, or not?
the compassion drips from his words like pus from a supporuting ulcer.
It's examples of humanity like this that make me forget that killing is wrong, and slow torture to death is really not on.
Unfortunately, there is nothing in the Tanakh-plus, even the kjv, that supports punishment for rapists.
That means, it must have been written by rapists for rapists.
Uh-huh. My friend, who's father is pastor, was raped while working in a Christian camp.
In the camp, by her co-worker.
You are a fucking monster.
Your "God" is a fucking monster.
The man who raped that poor woman is a fucking monster.
Rape is the only crime where people always blame the victim. "Oh, if she'd only... if she hadn't... if she'd just..."
FUCK OFF. No one does that, ever, to someone who was robbed. "Oh, you were wearing a gold wedding band? That's EXPENSIVE. You were ASKING FOR IT."
It's not her fault. Stop blaming the victim.
"I can say with certanity that if she would have stayed at church, as she was supposed to, she would not have been raped that night."
Ah, of course. Here's a better idea, Randy! How about we all just huddle in the corners, and pray reeeeeally hard, and maybe all the bad people will go away. You, "Brother" Randy (I hesitate to call you such, as any religious connotations are wasted in this situation) are a monster. Anyone who blames the victim of such a horrific crime is simply an appalling person. I truly hope you find justice in the great beyond.
So to summarize:
Poster- A friend of mine was raped by a priest. Just goes to show not to follow people blindly.
Bro. Randy- The girl wouldn't have been raped if she had been a little more devout to God, who would then have put his protective shield over her. It was her fault she was raped.
Ignorance at it's worst.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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