IFBaptistGirl #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Before I was saved and I'm ashamed to say, for a time shortly after I was saved, I could have sung you any country song on the radio word for word. I've always been attracted to musical things...There came a time in my life after being saved that I was convicted and realized country music DID NOT glorify God. Your beliefs and values come from the things you associate with. Music especilly can have a profound effect on a person. The devil was a musically inclined angel the Bible tells us. Any coincidence that he's the "prince and power of the air?" What goes over the air? RADIO AND TV!!! I'm not saying the radio is bad...I go to a church that owns and opperates a wonderful radio station that I keep playing all day...I'm all for godly music. But I am NOT for music that dishonors the Lord...and songs about cheating wives and drinking DO NOT glorify the Lord. This is why I trashed the country music...and then set the trash can on fire...and no I'm not joking...



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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