"The God of the Bible is an angry jealous God. He says so quite clearly many times over. He is a tough guy. He does not tolerate any nonsense, and will not be mocked. He places His worth above everything else because He is the most important thing in the universe. If you created the universe, would *YOU* tolerate miniscule, filthy, immoral, repuganant creatures that you made to disrespect you by taking your name in Vain etc.?
(Emphasis added):
'And if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that he would have such an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt his existence.'
-Bertrand Russell
"k bad example, *you* probably would, but most normal people would not. it is perfectly reasonable for the Head Honcho to call the shots and demand respect for Himself as one of the most important laws"
If one can't take a joke, least of all deserved criticism, then you don't even have the right to 'Respect'. Respect is not a right one can claim, but a privilege that has to be earned by virtue of how you treat people in everyday life - the Golden Rule, and all that jazz; 'Treat others as you would want them to treat you'.
Whilst in the early days of the ANC, Nelson Mandela condoned the use of violence. In later years, post-Apartheid, as a result of his forgiving his previous white oppressors he not only changed South Africa for the better - certainly image-wise & how such is perceived worldwide - he became universally loved, nay, acknowledged as the Ambassador of the World.
Gandhi treated others with hyper-respect. He's almost worshipped as a god in India, certainly as the Father of that nation.
Nicolae Ceausescu, Saddam Insane, Muammar Gadaffi, on the other hand leaned the hard way - and to their ultimate cost - the lesson of the old saying: 'Be careful how you treat people on the way up. Because you'll meet them on the way down.'
'The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control freak ... homophobic, racist, ... capriciously malevolent bully.'
-Richard Dawkins
Yet, you fundies claim that your so-called 'Yahweh', 'Jehovah' or whatever is the 'God of Love'? Oh yeah, you're soooooo right [/hyper-sarcasm]:
'Free offer! God's Unconditional* Love!'
*- Terms and conditions apply.
Unlike, say, the Quakers, Buddhists, Unitarian Universalists, Sufi Muslims et al.
Ergo, even your pathetic apologetic for your 'God' who is so thin-skinned, he has to rely on his own believers to stick up for him, doesn't even have the right to be respected as a cogent 'opinion'; because as such 'opinions' spewed out by right-wing Fundamentalist Christians are right down there with anything & everything spewed out by Fred Phelps & the Westboro Baptist Church, are nothing more than the unjustifiable verbal diarhhoea of inferior subhumans who are lower than the AIDS virus.
Q.E. and D., bitch.
Your 'God' wants worship - nay, respect - from me...?!
... oh no more, please Mr. Wilde, I am bereft of ribs! Considering his track record, before he even thinks he has the right to contemplate the notion that I'll so much as acknowledge his existence, he's gonna have to be my slave in perpetuity.
Them's the terms, they're not up for negotiation.