Diversity = Death. Once again, the same fate has befallen the latest "diverse" mission into space as befell the Challenger in 1986. Columbia, whose seven-member crew contained only three American men, blew up upon re-entry from a sixteen-day mission. All on-board, dubbed "Diversonauts" by columnist Mark Siporen, were killed. The seven-member crew of Challenger had included only three American men, as well, together with one Negro, one Jewish woman, one American woman and a Chinaman. Aboard Columbia were a Jewish man, an Indian woman, an American woman and a Negro. "What an insult to Christopher Columbus, who established civilization in the New World," said Wendell Gardner," to have named such a motley crew, including even an Indian, after him."
There is a point there - it would be rather insulting to Columbus to name a multiethnic crew after a spectacularly racist guy who sent hundreds of nonwhites into to slavery.
So apparently the very presence of untermensch causes the space shuttle to spontaneously combust for no reason. I'm not sure what to say to this.
Christopher Columbus did not 'establish civilization in the new world'.
Fuck, try reading something deeper that TV-Times.
Christopher Columbus is a wank-stain on the pages of American history, and not even a very big one.
How's THAT for an insult?
I think it should be obvious what Richard is saying. If you're going to embark on a potentially hazardous scientific expeditition, you want to take along people who are capable of operating the space ship's sensitive mechanical devices and instruments. These missions failed because ignorant foreigners were brought on board just for purposes of political correctness and they botched the mission because they weren't able to operate the machines properly. This is what happens when you pull monkies out of the jungle and plop them down in a laboratory setting.
AmericanCowboy , those people were picked because they were the best ones suited to the job. Do you have any idea what people go through to become astronauts? It's not easy.
I wouldn't talk if I were you. The only time you'll ever find yourself in a laboratory setting is from the inside of an observation chamber, when society finally gets around to researching a cure for Trollism.
American Cowboy,
It wasnt the fault of the pilots. Idiots like you seem to forget the cause of the accident: the faulty O-Ring that was on the Challenger:
"The failure of an O-ring seal was determined to be the cause of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster on January 28, 1986. A contributing factor was cold weather prior to the launch. This was famously demonstrated on television by Caltech physics professor Richard Feynman, when he placed a small O-ring into ice-cold water, and subsequently showed its loss of pliability before an investigative committee."
Want to take a stab at the ethnicity and race of the people who overlooked the shuttle operation from the ground? I bet you can take a wild guess, since whites are so much smarter than everyone else and make up the majority of the country.
Oh, and if you want to blame the pilot(which had nothing to do with the failing of the systems), he was white. There goes you idiot's theory altogether.
Actually it's fitting an Indian was on the ship. Just remember who people were looking for when they found your country.
The Aztecs, Mayans and Incas would like to have a word with you
Wrong Indian I am afraid. The Indian on board was one of those billion Indians. You know the ones who kicked white people out of their country by the cunning use of a half naked old lawyer.
I think it should be obvious what Richard is saying. If you're going to embark on a potentially hazardous scientific expeditition, you want to take along people who are capable of operating the space ship's sensitive mechanical devices and instruments. These missions failed because ignorant foreigners were brought on board just for purposes of political correctness and they botched the mission because they weren't able to operate the machines properly. This is what happens when you pull monkies out of the jungle and plop them down in a laboratory setting.
Or how about not using the finest technology of the 70s when my laptop carries more processing power than the space shuttles COMBINED. The problem is that the reusable space shuttle was not constructed modularly so mordern equipment cannot be installed often resulting in failures and limitations in the craft.
Your just as much a monkey as I am. Infact we are both apes rather than monkeys. If you claim you are not an Ape (then you are not Human), please report to me for "vivisection" because honestly I am intruiged as to what the fuck you are and we could both win a Noble Prize. M'kay? It's perfectly legitimate since you no longer are a human being but some other species.
Er, genetically, DIVERSITY=CONTINUATION OF LIFE. So, yeah, you fail.
And the NDNs had a perfectly functioning civilization until THEY came along and ruined it with alcohol, guns, and their stupid ideas of "propriety".
I'm sure your cows and bulls appreciate your gentle, Aryan dexterity.
Trolls on parade...buh bu dum bu bum bu buh dum....
Sigh...your right, obviously the shuttle failures were caused by the ethnic make-up of thier crews and not by bad engineering practices and ignoreing obvious known safety risks.
You win, I am defeated by your stunning intellect.
(P.S. NOT!)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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