Jesus, Himself, was in one sense homeless. However, he was not a drunkard who choose not to work. This is the state of most (the vast majority) of the homeless we see on our streets today. They have chosen to serve alcohol and drugs. They have chosen to live a life on the street. They have chosen to not work. Want proof? The next time you see someone with a sign that says "Will work for food," offer them a job. See what they say! Will they work? NO!
[Later in the same post]
I will add: I will almost guarantee that you will not find someone who is a saved person, living for God, who is homeless. He has promised to take care of His own!
Soooooo, Boob Randy... explain to me exactly who Jesus was talking about in Matthew 25. Not familiar with that? (Not surprising) That's the little story about the sheep and the goats... not jogging your memory? You know, where Jesus favors the sheep because they fed the hungry, sheltered and clothed the poor, visited the imprisoned, because when anyone did this to the least person they did it to Jesus? And he rejects the goats because they failed to do so, and therefore failed to do so for Jesus?
You know, that's one of the lessons from Matthew that was not a parable or allegory. That quite literally is exactly what Jesus was trying to get through the thick skulls of brain-dead fundamentalists like yourselves.
There you go, homeless people. All you need to do is start praisin' Jesus, and just like magic, a house will appear for you!
Listen genius: the average stay in a homeless shelter is less than two years. Yes, some homeless actively choose that lifestyle, but usually not for long.
And I will tell you now that you, "Bro. Randy", have never, ever talked, worked with, or considered human anyone who was really homeless, or needing welfare, or living out of soup kitchens. You've never in your life talked to someone who was holding a sign like that said "will work for food", never mind offering them work. You consider people who are suffering beneath you.
So why exactly have I, an atheist, done these things? Because it helps people, asshole! Want to compare resumes, you utter waste of oxygen? Or don't giving aid to the poor and sick count in your book?
Fuck you. I dare you to tell that to the homeless guy who lives in the bus stop by the CVS who I once saw shit in his pants, shake it out his leg, and throw it in the trash.
You tell that man that his problems are because he doesn't believe in Jesus, not because his brain is fundamentally broken.
Go ahead. Try it.
That first sentence reminds me of a song I heard ... I don't even remember when. Years and years ago. It's from a play. My mother was a member of the chorus.
Like the Christ-child was
But there it hope because
He came down to earth to lead us
And He vowed He'd never leave us
For in His love
There is a home
Oh so homeless
Was His humble birth
He was homeless
But still He changed the earth
Nothing kept His heart from giving
Though most of His life was living
He showed us how we live
Not where
When His homeless days on earth were done
He went home to where we all came from
And He went to prepare
A mansion for us there
He gave His whole life to lead us
And I know He'll never leave us
For in His love
There is a home
We are not homeless
Like the Christ-child was
For in His love
There is a home
Still brings tears to my eyes, since it's one of the best expressions of who Jesus was and what He represented that I have ever heard or seen in my whole life.
This guy sickens me. Disgraceful.
Peter: Wow, is that really the blood of Christ?
Preacher: Yes, it is.
Peter: Holy crap, that guy must've been wasted 24 hours a day!
I hope you die. This is not hyperbole, please, for the love of the planet, take your fucking life. Make it look like an accident if you want, just lay open an artery or two and relax in a nice warm tub. DO IT NOW!
You, Bro. Randy, are a retard and have no idea what a Christian means. God takes care of his people, but Katrina left homeless countless Christians. If you want to keep your money and so on, ok, but don´t deceive those guys, because, one, Jesus was not homeless, just a traveler. And he had no known work, except that of a preacher, and had no money. Don´t try even to rationalise your own greed and lack of sympathy.
Wow, I always wondered why bad things never happen to Christians.
Oh, wait...
There's this couple I know; their son plays soccer with my son. One day the mom was telling me about how happy they were to finally be back in a nice home and settled with their 2 kids and 2 adorable puppies, because a fire had destroyed their old house and left them with nothing. She said, specifically, that they spent the three years post-devastation "getting really close to God."
Guess what? Their new house burned last month. Right before Christmas. One of the dogs died. God really does take care of his own, don't he?
Pretty funny that the good bro has the balls to talk about being hungry when, if you've ever seen his picture, doesn't look like he has missed a meal in quite some time. What does the bible say about gluttony?
Shell: A little off-topic here, but how does their insurance company feel about that family having a SECOND fire-destroyed home in less than a decade? Granted, it's possible for that to be not their fault in either case -- but it sure raises questions.
~David D.G.
You know, David, that occurred to me. I don't know them well at all, but I know this fire started because of coals from an outdoor grill being left in a garbage can. The mom told me insurance paid nothing for the first fire (though I don't recall if she said why), and that was in another state, so maybe their current company doesn't even know(?)
I was homeless for several months without ever being a drunkard and wihout ever choosing not to work. Indeed I held several part time jobs while homeless. After I finaly saved nough to pay first and last in advance plus a key deposit. I got a job serving alcohol. but as soon as I found a better job, (Serving petrol) I quit working at the bar.
Most homeless are working poor who just cant afford the cost of rent.
However there are also the mentaly ill who scream their jesus delusions at people, They are also usualy homeless
His response when someone asks him about poor devout Africans is priceless: Essentially, he says "You obviously haven't read the Bible enough!"
Bro. Randy's Response:
I approved this, but I am not going to respond to it - I believe you need to re-read my last post(s).
As for the Bible proof?
Psa 37:25-26 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. (26) He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed.
Dude, how long has this guy been out of touch with reality?
Bro. Randy's Response:
I approved this, but I am not going to respond to it - I believe you need to re-read my last post(s).
As for the Bible proof?
Psa 37:25-26 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. (26) He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed.
Geez, so Bro. Randy thinks having troubles proves that you're not a REAL Christian.
I've never wished homelessness on someone before, but I'm going to make an exception for Bro. Randy.
Tell that to the Salvation Army, Randy. Go on, I dare you, go round to the Sally Ann hostel and try and tell them they're not Christians.
They left live coals in a garbage can?! You know God may take care of his own, but dammit he also wants us to use the brains he gave us.
Brother Randy, you need to read Where Love is, there God is by Leo Tolskov.
Bro. Randy can come over here. I know a homeless guy who does nothing but teach people about know, like Jesus told people to? And guess who gives him food and money to live on? I and my friends, all nasty evil atheists, do. And who walks by without even saying a word? Christian people with gold crosses around their necks and this holier-than-thou-I-hate-everyone attitude shared by Bro. Randy.
"However, he was not a drunkard who choose not to work. This is the state of most (the vast majority) of the homeless we see on our streets today. They have chosen to serve alcohol and drugs."
Lack of home? Check.
Lack of work? Check.
Love of wine? Check.
Covered head to toe in ganja-filled "anointing oil"? check.
(there's a recipe for it in the OT: yeah there's lots of weed in it)
Yep, homeless, jobless, drunk, and stoned.
I will add: I will almost guarantee that you will not find someone who is a saved person, living for God, who is homeless. He has promised to take care of His own!
Please, come to Roseville, MI. In front of the mall there, you have tons of saved people, badgering you with the word of God and "you gotta get saved like me!!!" messages. Guess what? They're all homeless. :P
Bro Randy ,,,i've read a lot of crap from him here. he take a special intrest in pre-teen girls but dabbles in politics and social ills. He's consistantly wrong and understands nothing.I predict he's inherited money and is comfortable from his elitist, entitled attitude
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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